The Eden Compound (Chapter Three)

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Chapter Three:

            Slowly she got up and opened the door, feeling robotic. Call. Who should I call? Her options raced through her head.

            Her mother wouldn’t help. Her father… well, to be honest, he was at work and she didn’t know his work number. She’d never bothered to memorize it.

            Linn. Siobhan doubted that she had been the one to betray her. Linn was the kind of friend people wished they could have- Siobhan could be sure that anything she told her, from crushes to rants about her family, would be kept secret.

            Though this was illegal. A voice of negativity seemed to whisper in her ear. All that other stuff was kid stuff. She might feel like it would be her duty to report it.

            No, Siobhan replied savagely. She wouldn’t do that.

            I can’t believe myself, she thought. I’m arguing with my own head. She started walking forward, making her way to the receptionist desk. Someone came from nowhere, walking quickly. They banged into each other. Siobhan fell over on her butt, her mouth a perfect ‘O’.

            “Oh, I am so sorry,” the guy said, helping her up. She couldn’t help but notice he was kind of cute, in an imperfect way- his sandy hair was crew cut and he had nice blue eyes, if they were a bit small. “You alright?”

            “Yeah, I’m good,” she said, getting up. “Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.”

            “No problem.” There was a pause, and he stuck out his hand. “I’m Keenan, by the way.”

            “Siobhan,” she said, shaking it. He walked off. The receptionist looked up and sneered again.

            “Don’t be caught fraternizing with a hangers-on,” she joked, her voice shrill. Siobhan swore that someday, she would punch that lady in the mouth. Not like I have a chance with him, after all. I am being imprisoned.

            “I could say the same to you, Lucy,” he joked, walking into a room and shutting the door. Lucy rolled her eyes.

            “How can I help you?” she said, sounding bored.

            “They said I can have one call,” she said.

            “Right.” The receptionist handed her an old-fashioned cell phone. “You don’t have an implant?”

            “No, and I didn’t have my earclip on me when I was arrested,” she said. I really should have gotten the implant. The only way they could get that out of me would be surgery.

            She dialed Linn’s number and waited as it rang, almost dropping the phone because her hand had gotten sweaty. What if Linn told her that yes, she had told them? What would she do?

            “Linn Abrams speaking,” she heard.

            “It’s Siobhan.”

            “Oh, hey! Why aren’t you in school?”

            “I could ask the same of you.”

            “I’m in free period right now. People are saying you were arrested, can you believe it?”

            “I was, I’m at the police station now.”

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