Chapter 13.

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Mako POV.

I'm in my room brushing my hair and my door opens and it's the girls.

Lily“ *squeals* MAKEOVER!

Oh no.

*2 hours later*.

I'm staring in the mirror and I look at the girls with confusion.

Mako“ Um thanks?

Zachary POV.

I'm sitting in the dining room waiting for Mako.

I hear the doors open and I see Mako her hair in a ponytail and she's wearing a beautiful blue and red dress.

I smile and pull a chair out she smiles and sits down.

We start eating and I smile.

Zachary“ So tell me about the Cello why is it so important?

Mako“ Well my Mother was given the element of music and song and when I inherited the Cello the power just got into me but um.

Zachary“ What?

Mako“ I played the Cello for 250 years of loneliness and depression which if I released the energy the Cello built a cloud of the emotions would affect the world.

Zachary“ *shocked* Woah.

Mako“ I never felt happy sense I was turned into a vampire until *blushes* Um until I met you.

Zachary“ *smiles* Um you wanna dance?

Music plays and she smiles and we start to slow dance, I never felt so close to Mako who knew I would fall in love for a vampire.

Her eyes widen.


She shoves me down and she gets hit by a purple mist and it drags her out of the palace.

I run to my room and change into my clothes.

Mako POV.

I wake up on the ground and stand up and I see Cyrus and my eyes widen at the many werewolves surrounding me.

Cyrus“ GET HER!

The monsters run towards me and start punching and kicking but their overpowering me.

?? POV.

I'm watching the wolves overpower the blonde and I notice multiple chains knocking them off her.

Zachary“ MAKO!

The blondes dress is ripped and her body bruised and bloody.

I raise my hands and blast him.

Zachary POV.

I fly into a tree and my shoulder dislocates.

I look up and glare.

Zachary“ WHO ARE YOU!

??“ Call me Remara.

??“ Call me Remara

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