Chapter 4.

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Mako POV.

I'm playing the Cello during a meeting with the Duchesses and Dukes of the Vampire Court.

Magnus“ Are we all agreed.

They nod and leave I remain with Magnus who's sipping blood from a glass of wine.

He walks towards me and offers the glass of blood to me I refuse it but he holds it close to my face.

Magnus“ You haven't drank any blood in 5 days you have to drink look at yourself.

I scoff but look at a mirror hanging on the wall.

I scoff but look at a mirror hanging on the wall

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Mako“ I'm fine-.

He shoves the liquid into my lips having the liquid go down my throat.

I cough and glare at him.

Magnus“ Another week you would've died.

He walks off and I sigh and watch the maids take my Cello to the gardens I walk and notice Duchess Victoria.

He walks off and I sigh and watch the maids take my Cello to the gardens I walk and notice Duchess Victoria

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She's the Duchess of Paris and she also lost her humanity and that's what made us actually good friends.

Victoria“ *scoffs* LOOK AT YOU! Your beautiful hair is turning to straw your bags are getting darker!

I chuckle and we walk through the halls then we enter the gardens and I see my Cello being set up.

I sit down and start playing Victoria brushing her hair and we listen to the music.

I stop as a scent hits and I catch an arrow Victoria stands and bares her claws.

We hear footsteps and see a group of hunters.

I am to weak to fight what am I-.

Victoria“ S'ahan?

A hunter walks forward and her eyes glow orange and fire engulfs around her!

Victoria looks at the girl with sadness but I don't know why does she know this hunter

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Victoria looks at the girl with sadness but I don't know why does she know this hunter.

I sigh and sit down and play a slow song.

Magnus POV.

I hear the slowest song that dumpling has ever played.

I get whiff of scents that aren't part of my court which makes me glare.

Magnus“ *roars*.

Mako POV.

Lightning hits and see a purple pentagram form on the ground.

And Magnus walks out.

He raises his staff and shoots purple lightning towards them but one man runs in front having his belt magically extend and deflect the bolts

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He raises his staff and shoots purple lightning towards them but one man runs in front having his belt magically extend and deflect the bolts.

I take notice of the man he's handsome with emotionless expression he seems elegant with every move he does.

I notice the rest running off and the boy throws a paper bomb towards Magnus but they explode as they hit him but no damage

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I notice the rest running off and the boy throws a paper bomb towards Magnus but they explode as they hit him but no damage.

The hunters escaped.

Magnus turns to us and Victoria bows in thanks.

Magnus walks towards me and cups my face with his hand and looks at me.

Magnus“ Are you alright.

I don't respond and play the Cello which gets a chuckle from him and he returns to the palace.

Victoria“ I understand you hate the King and Queen, but tonight she's returning and your music is the only thing that can return her I hope you know we need them to lead us in victory.

I play trying to ignore Victoria she sighs and walks off and I look forward seeing the silhouette of that girl who manipulated the fire.

What's her connection to Victoria?

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