Chapter 5.

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Mako POV.

It's the blood moon night and I'm playing the Cello.

Everyone's dancing as we see the giant heart beating.

Magnus“ Wake up Venus.

The heart opens and we see her walking out she kisses Magnus and I sigh and let the quartet play.

I walk through the gardens I pick up a red rose.

Mako“ *eyes widen*.

I turn around and I see 3 hunter's.

These aren't the original hunters that sealed us away.

Mako“ Who are you?


She raises her hands and a twister wraps around me and flings me into the woods.

I land and I turn around seeing the pink one gliding over tree and tree.

She's elegant like the last one she tries to kick me but I move to the side.

Lily“ Heaven's arrow!

The heaven begins to form she fires three arrows towards me I dodge two and catch one inches from my heart.

Mako“ *sighs* I'm not going to fight you your still a kid you have more life then I ever did.

She looks at me in confusion I speed behind her and I knock her out.

Mako“ *sighs*.

I pick her up and set her near a train I notice the other with their weapons.

Abby“ *shocked* DON'T YOU HURT HER!

I roll my eyes and I notice the sun rising.

I speed past them and enter the palace I notice the ball still going on I notice tho Magnus and Venus aren't here.

I notice my Cello is gone tho.

I walk through the halls and I my chest going in agony I fall to the ground.

Give in give in to your inner animal!

Victoria“ Mako?

I look up and see Victoria and her husband Yuka looking at me with concern.

Victoria“ Are you-.

Mako“ I'm fine just going to bed.

Yuka“ *stares*.

I enter my room and I notice my Cello.

Venus“ The quartet can't play like you.

I turn and see Magnus and Venus.

Magnus“ Your still clinging to your humanity.

Venus“ 250 years and you refuse to accept your venom of immortality.

I clinch my fist trying to not lose my temper I notice Magnus clutching my Cello.

Magnus“ Maybe getting rid of the one thing keeping your humanity will help.

My Cello engulfs in flames.

Mako“ NO!

I grab my Cello and douse the flames and look at my damaged possession.

Mako“ YOU RUINED IT *sobs*.

Venus“ You cling to your humanity for to long.

I let out pained sobs as they walk around me mockingly and I look up at them in anger.

Magnus“ It's time to forget your pathetic human past.

My anger slowly leads to terror realising the damage they truly have done.


Magnus“ *scoffs*.

Mako“ I must get it fixed!

I run towards the balcony and jump feeling my skin burn under the sun.

I enter the woods hiding in the shade my clothes singed and my skin burned.

Mako“ How could they?

Zachary“ Young lady may I assist you.

I look up with fear and clutch my Cello and see the boy who fought Magnus he looks at me with shock.

I look up with fear and clutch my Cello and see the boy who fought Magnus he looks at me with shock

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Zachary“ Your Mako the musician of the Vampire Court.

I glare and he removes his cloak and puts on me I look at him with confusion.

Zachary“ Lily told me how you refused to fight her.

Mako“ She's a child she didn't deserve to die.

He smiles and helps me up.

Zachary“ Well let's go somewhere where you'll be out of the sun's light.

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