Chapter 12.

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Zachary POV.

I'm walking through the halls and I notice Mako outside playing her Cello.

I open the window and listen to the soft music.

She stops playing and I notice some flowers bloomed I stare in confusion and I notice lord Max joining her.

Mako POV.

Max“ Here's some tea.

I smile and take a sip.

Max“ *chuckles* And I found this.

He gives me a photo and my eyes widen.

He gives me a photo and my eyes widen

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Mako“ Is that?

Maxwell“ You get your hair from your Mom's mother.

Mako“ *chuckles* Is Dad wearing a veil?

Maxwell“ He said if she wears a veil so do I *chuckles*.

I smile and I tear up.

Maxwell“ They loved you so much that they chose to leave the mansion but someone gave away their location.

Mako“ And that was the night they were killed.

Maxwell“ Indigo tried to get their in time but he was to late he saw you passed out clinging to your mother's *looks away*.

We go silent and I begin to play the Cello.

Maxwell“ *smiles*.

Zachary POV.

I watch Max leave and I just watch Mako play I close my eyes and feel calm.

Lily“ Ouu someone's in love.

I look at my sister who's smiling.

Zachary“ Oh please she's a Vampire.

Lily“ *shocked* Um Zachary-.

Zachary“ And she's she's possibly a murderer I can forgive but she's a monster and-.

Mako“ Oh.

I look out the window seeing Mako looking at me tears gently falling.

I look out the window seeing Mako looking at me tears gently falling

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Mako“ Excuse me.

She speeds off and my eyes well up with tears.

Lily“ Zac-.

Zachary“ I gotta go after her!

Mako POV.

I'm sitting on a tree branch crying I notice red and black flames form and I see Myra.

Myra“ Seems like your heart was broken.

She hops beside me and conjures a bong.

Myra“ Do you mind?

Mako“ Go ahead.

She uses the bong.

Myra“ *coughs* That's some good shit *coughs*.

Mako“ Why are you here?

Myra“ Master is destroying half the palace.

Mako“ Aren't you going to try and capture me?

Myra“ *looks* I should but let's be honest you'll escape unless he got you pregnant then your stuck with the palace.

I nod and notice the sun is bright and out.

Myra disappears and I just stare at the sun.

I put my hand out and steam begins to burn off my skin.

I get engulfed by a cloak and I look seeing Zachary.


He hugs me tightly while crying in my shoulder.

Zachary“ I I *inhales* I care about you and I want you to be by my side.

Mako“ Are you asking me out?

Zachary looks at me with a smile.

Zachary“ Would you say yes?

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