Chapter 11.

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Mako POV.

I'm being held by fledglings as Roselle looks at me with shock.

Venus“ I've arrived Roselle.

I look at Venus with fear and she looks at me with confusion.

Venus“ Your wearing a wedding dress?

Venus glares at me but I smirk.

Roselle“ Well to bad you couldn't trick us we actually got another bride.

I notice another set of fledglings taking another bride.

A door opens and an adult Vampire and what I assume is her daughter steps out.

Celine“ Emma's getting tired let's just lock the bride in the room.

Roselle“ *nods*.

They toss the bride in the room and I notice Jade coming in.

Jade“ Well isn't this a surprise.

Venus“ *glares* Leave me alone with her.

They all walk out the room and I go to stand but Venus shoots a bolt of lightning at me causing me agony.

Venus“ Mm not good enough.

She shoots another bolt of lightning at me and I let out a scream.

Venus“ *chuckles* Where's your protection little traitor tormentum.

A surge of pain goes through me and roll around on the floor screaming and crying.

She removes the spell and she makes me look at her with her foot.

Venus“ *smiles* I hope you know this isn't what I want-.

She gets hit by a metal chain she gets hit more with it and I smirk.

I look seeing Lily Lora and Zachary and Loyd and Joshua.


I struggle myself to stand and Venus looks at me I point to the door and it gets blasted open.

Venus“ NO!

S'ahan“ Sometimes gotta have a backup plan.

Venus growls.


Pink fog surrounds us and I speed out.

I hide in a tree and see Venus and  the others run out.

Roselle“ You think your so slick FLEDGLINGS ATTACK!

The fledglings start running around and I watch the fight.

Lily POV.

I get surrounded by 10 fledges I spin kick one having the wind send it a few feet away from.

I get grabbed by two fledges but I back flip and slam into eachother.


I spin around having them fly around me and I summon my bow and shoot.

Lora POV.

I am blasting red energy bolts at each fledge I raise my hands blast a bolt of red energy.

I look up seeing a court member diving towards me she knocks me down and we roll on the ground but I get up.

Lora“ Is that all you got!?

Jade“ *cackles*.

She raises her hands and a shadow clone of her forms.

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