Chapter 43

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No one had heard from neither one since they were about to leave the beach, and there was no sign of where either one could be.

Everyone sat in the living room with questions wandering through their minds like a thousand tabs on a computer screen, they've been texting amd trying to call but all of them have been unread and voice mails.

It wasn't until the metal knov jiggled, which made everyone have their hopes returned.

That all completely vanished though, because right as Tenya walked through that doorway, he slammed the front door behind him and bolted away into the elevator like he was upset.

"Iida!" Ochako tried to call but Izuku only shook his head to tell her not to bother right now.

Akamine entered shortly after, a present bruise on his cheek like someone decided hard enough to punch him with as much force as they could. The expression that was plastered on his face showed something clearly wrong.

"Sora, what happened?" Many asked him.

"A huge *beep* mistake." He waltzed off, not bothering to answer anymore. He doesn't remember anythig that happened from right after he let Tenya in the car, and he knows something went wrong during that blackness in his mind.

*2 hours ago, ******** hospital*

"I'm cleared to drive now, if you want to head back to the dorms." Akamine says while his parents are forced to sign him off. "It really wasn't that bad."

Tenya did not respond.

Akamine's parent's left after giving their son a talk about what happened and the stuff only they knew, but once they left, no word of what happened ever came out of Tenya's mouth.

"Listen, what ever happened last night, between us, I have no memory of." Akamine starts up the car, waiting for Tenya to get in. "Just forget it ever even happened."

"Forget it even happened, Gosh do you even hear yourself?!" Akamine was confused why the backlash sounded so threatening as it did. "I can't believe you would just disregard it like trash!"

"What are you talking about?!" Akamine got up and out of the car, now not only were they arguing but people were starting to stare a bit.

"You just brushed it off like it was no big deal but then you forgot to realize I happened to be there as well! I saw what happened with my own 2 eyes and I do remember what you told me, and what you told me made me think there was something!" Tenya had some emotions stated in his words, but it was really hard to tell which ones were actually present. "You told me things that explained what no person would openly do, now you treat it like scrap! Out of everything from the moment I got into your car I thought everything was alright, until you started to freak me out, now you do nothing to even remotely explain a single *beep* part of it!"

Tenya was many things, angry, scared, confused, exhausted, and for sure lost into an emotional mess. He could feel the tears that were going down his face as he wanted something better. Akamine simply stared at him before walking up to the boy, but Tenya wasn't having it right now.

"Iida, I-*beep*!" Akamine was stopped by the dramatic swing of Tenya's fist going riht at his face while he was unaware. In this, Akamine fell backwards in shock and was very appalled by what he witnessed. "*beep* *beep*, Iida, wha-"

"-take me back, please." Tenya was not daring to stare at Akamine, hand still fisted and his emotion everywhere. "Just bring me back to the dorms."

That 2 hour car ride stood as being silent, not even the radio playing.


"Iida." Akamine knocked again, trying not to pound on the door in bitter anger. "Iida, open the door. I just want to talk."

Tenya did not respond in any way, shape or form to tell Akamime he should even be continuing to stand there. It wasn't a little while later when Tenya then heard a gentle knock on his door.

"Iida-kun." It was Ochako. "Please, don't do this to yourself."

"We want to cheer you up." Izuku was there too.

Tenya went to the door, opening it slowly. Yet, what he found totally betrayed him and caused the boy to immediately slam it shut before they could enter.

"You mimicker!" Tenya could not believe how horrible the day has been, even worse with the person behind that door. "Just leave me alone!"

On the other side of the door, Akamine was lying on the ground. He was holding his nose for dear life because oozing red blood spoiled out of it, some of that blood was also on Tenya's door but the dueled hair boy really didn't care that much anymore.

Akamine's once warm heart was now instantly frosty cold again. His feeling thrown in a bottle and tossed away into a locked safe that even he didn't know how to open, letting himself be drowned back imto the person he was before.

Everyone noticed this bitter change by the time it reached the moment both boys had to be in the same room, them looking at each other while uneasy felings settles. Akamine walked past Tenya, his body shoving the other and a cold face cemented to his face.

Tenya wasn't sure what was going on with him, but what happened seemed to make him numb. He knew Akamine had done something wrong but why did he also feel at fault right now? What was his heart trying to tell him? He didn't really think it was a crush anymore, it was just a stupid assumption he said to Momo.

"Iida, are you ok?" Momo asks her friend now that Tenya is actually talking to people.

"Yeah, I'm fine now." Tenya was lying to her face. The boy had no sense if he was or wasn't ok at the moment, but he didn't want anyone to worry about that for him.

No one had to do something for him.

Welp, more blood. I was not kidding when I updated it and said enough to make an entire person, but there will be more in my future plans for this. It obviously isn't too gorey to the point I have to warn it right now but the warning will show up soon.

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