Chapter 29

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"Where in the world do we start at this point?" Ejiro questions looking around at the despared land mass, many people who managed to survive were trying to do things but poorly.

The class had only been there for just about 5 minutes, yet telling them what to do now was an extreme struggle since basically no one could speak the language here, which meant it would be kind of hard to understand the people.

"There's no cell service." Shoto says calmly, translator in hand which is not working from the lack of service in the area.

"Why don't we figure that out first before helping, maybe if we get some sort of connection we can use our translators." Izuku says.

Most of the class quickly got to work on getting some internet, meanwhile the very few tried to at least help he people.

"La tormenta, lo destruyó todo." A woman trembled to say. Tenya, being the one there, had no actually idea what she just said, and he did not want to guess at this point.

"Todos estamos aquí para ayudar, estarás bien." Tenya turned to see the one who had responded to the lady was Akamine, speaking quite fluent spanish. "La mayoría está tratando de que los traductores trabajen, así que todos podemos ayudarlo."

The woman nodded to reply in understanding, Tenya got up from his crouching position and faced Akamine.

"Since when do you speak spanish?" He asks him, walking along with the other to investigate the area a bit.

"I speak many languages, it's just on my memory I guess." Akamine tells him. "But that doesn't matter right now."
Training today was the worst hit in the head, quite literally.

Everyone saw the tremendous blowing kick from Izuku's foot all the way to Tenya's helmet, then the boy getting knocked back and painfully letting the helmet come off and his head actually hit the ground. Everyone stood in much silence and Izuku was brutally regretting his entire life for kicking his friend.

Tenya could not say he was fine at all, his head hurt that bad from the blow. He opened his eyes to blurry vision and dizziness that made him unable to do a single thing besides close them. Everything seemed too bright now, too loud, it all radiated around him.

"I think he now has a concussion." Kyouka says, watching as he his still not getting up.

When he blew his head on the rocks, he was told there was no concussion suprisingly but he should be aware if he wasn't careful another hit could cause one.

"Iida-kun, I am so sorry!" Izuku runs over, crying like he mostly would and now very much worried.

Tenya would respind saying he was fine but it was so bad he couldn't even get the words out of his mouth to speak upon his behave. Izuku notoced it before at least calling over some more help them himself.

"Oh gosh." Momo could not look right now, she could not handle that look on Tenya's face right now.

He looked to be in much pain, more than even he could ask for. If his parents saw the state he was in, they would definitly try to get their teacher fired in some way, but like that would happen.

They all tried everything to at least get him on the stretcher to brig him to get help, but moving him just continued to pain him than helping.

"Sora, can't you do something with your quirk, like unpain him?" Mina asks, seeing as 15 whole minutes have passed since the problem erupted.

Akamine's quirk only works to an extent, especially used on other people. This was something he could probably do but it would definitly not last forever. Akamine carefully placed his fingers lightly on Tenya's forhead, letting his quirk glide through his fingertips.

"Don't fight it." He whipsers quiet enough that no one else could hear but Tenya, seeing though he is struggling with what Akamine was doing.

He eventually stopped fihting it, amd they were able to load him on the stretcher but the moment Akamine lifted his hand back, it was forced to stay from a grip.

"No." Tenya managed to say, putting his hands back down, hoping he wouldn't let go.

Akamine ended up continuing what he was doing, which went on until they got to Recovery Girl's office.
"What's going on out there?" Izuku asks Ochako, who comes inside the main and only building. She is soaked from head to toe and part of her is caked with dirt.

"It's storming out there really bad, everyone is getting evacuated to this buidling." She tells him, looking back to the harsh outside weather. "I'm not sure who is and isn't out there."

Meanwhile outside, the wind was wind, the rain was pouring, the clouds moved only to bring more, moments of crackling thunder and flashing lightning. It was a total mess out there, in fact, only a few people still stood in the mess.

"Is it safe?!" Tenya calls out, currently hiding behind a wall of a deserted building. With him, many other towns people stood waiting to get to shelter. He looks around, seeing as nothig can hit them. "Alright, hurry!"

They all went as quickly as they could to the main building, which then they are hurried inside to the shelter. Thunder boomed and lightning striked, everyone scared and he few kids screamed. Tenya was petrified to the core but he still went on, he just wanted this to be over.

everyone managed to get inside. Right before Tenya was about to, he heard something.


He looked up but by the moment he did, he was already shoved out of the way. Who ever it was, both of them went crashing to the muddy ground away from wherever he was originally. The rain continued to pour down, magically not turning into hail, continuing the storm.

Tenya couldn't move, his body completely frozen in pure shock and fear. He couldn't just move on his own free will but instead was helped just so then he wasn't in the storm anymore. His couldn't process a meer thing and just continued to look like a mannequin.

"Is Iida alright?!" Many people we concerned from his much lack of movement, seeing how most of them had seen him outside with the help. It also made people worried since he was caked in mud.

"He's traumatized." Tenya knew that voice, but yet still remained the way he was. Akamine got himself caked in mud just to save Tenya's life. "He almost got hit by lightning, you know how that could've went."

Tenya knew he could've died right there, but he would consider himself lucky just to be alive even if he was hit.

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