"I'm sure of it. Or at least, Rand made sure of it."

Rosari nods her head, releases a shaky breath, and turns back to the performance below. Things will work out fine. Josi is sure of it. It's a plan she created herself.

It isn't until a couple hours later that the show draws its conclusion. The three women bid each other goodbye and go about their separate ways. Now Josi is in a car ride with Idris, headed towards the location where his meeting with Enzo will take place. Rand knew of this meeting. And with this same knowledge, he derived his own plan. Killing two birds with one stone.

Josi has the option of watching Idris burn alive in the explosion, but that isn't exactly how she's planned for things to end. She wants Idris's downfall gradual and painful. She wants him alive where he can witness his own ruin. So for obvious reasons, Josi will keep Idris alive. Because she has something else planned.

Idris is in a phone call with who Josi can guess is Enzo, planning their schedule for that evening. The time now reads 10:24 P.M, granting her a total of thirty-six minutes before the fated hour of eleven. Before the building goes out in a fire. If Josi wants to save Idris from the attack, she has to delay his arrival.

The call soon comes to an end. Josi studies Idris for a little while, taking in as much of his side profile as is visible under the moonlight. The scar on his chin is as sharp as his bone structure, with strands of hair that stray from the rest. He looks out the window still under the impression that things will all work out in the end. How utterly clueless he is.

Josi taps his leg to get his attention. "I want to take the long way."

Idris knows what this means. He turns to the chauffeur. "Take a detour."

The driver nods through the rear view mirror, then rolls up the partition and dims the backseat. Josi climbs and sits on Idris's lap, eyes glued to his as the faint light illuminates his face. He looks her over and immerses himself in her beauty. And when the sightseeing comes to an end, Idris gives Josi a smile too mischievous.

"Yesterday wasn't enough?"

Josi gives him a smile of her own. "Don't waste this opportunity with words."

Idris is already on board. "Yes, ma'am."

The kiss starts out slow the way it always does, then spirals out of the passion between the couple. Josi's fingers become entangled in Idris's hair in the ways that make him grow eager. The bites she leaves on his lips don't help his case either. He sends his hands under her dress and grabs her ass as the excitement from the kiss fills him.

Idris leads a trail up her thigh and through her underwear. He slides a finger between the folds, guages her reaction, then slides a second one in. Josi grabs his suit, trying to brace herself. But she soon finds that action useless, because no amount of preparation could steel her for the pleasure about to come.

Idris starts off with a single finger. He moves it in, then out; repeatedly, but slowly - enough to drive Josi mad. With each passing second, Josi grows soaked, more wet, and she finds she can't even think straight. The strength she once had quickly fades away, replaced by a suffocating desire
that keeps her gasping for air. But it only grows more unbearable when Idris slips the second finger in. It's sudden and unexpected, enough for Josi to flinch from the intense friction.

From his smile, Josi knows Idris takes great pleasure seeing her this disoriented. He stretches his fingers apart and waits to see the reaction she gives, as though it were a reward. And when she moans, his smile stretches wider. But it seems he doesn't want the chauffeur in on their fun.

Idris leaves a trail of kisses up her neck and ends it with a bite on her ear. "Ssh."

Josi follows orders, or at least attempts to. She kisses him as a means to drown out the moans, which seems to do the job at first. But each time Idris stirs his fingers, Josi's restlessness furthers until she can no longer hold on. Until the kiss proves useless. She lays her head against his shoulder and hurls out curses, which only serves as more motivation for Idris.

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