Chapter 24

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The holidays seemed to fly on by, along with the new year. Although, the cold weather stayed. Leaving more snow and slush all over the ground. It was no longer 2011, it was now 2012, and from January to February, a lot of people were convinced that the world was gonna end due to the Mayan calendar predicting the end of the world, but nobody knew to what, only that the world would end.

Now it was Valentine's day, not only the holiday of love, but also Yasmine's 6th birthday! She was getting bigger and bigger as the days went on. Though, to her family, sometimes it felt as if she was still a baby just yesterday, especially to her parents. Although she may not have remembered being a baby, she almost had a picture perfect memory of her being a small toddler. She remembers her first steps, her first words, her first drawing. She remembers a lot of her first.

It was a cold morning that Valentine's day, the weather dipping into the near negatives. The older siblings were already awake, as they had to be at school by 7:30 A.M. Though, they had bought Yasmine some presents for her birthday, as they all finished wrapping them up and hiding them under their beds. They all made sure they knew what their baby sister wanted. Especially Felix and Edgar, they had what Yasmine wanted written down, just to make sure they knew exactly what to get her.

Felix was up bright and early, despite the fact that he didn't want to be up so early " Alright.. " He said to himself quietly " Gonna go to school, then when it's lunch time, i'm gonna go buy Yasmine her favorite candy at the liquor store. Since... For some reason, it's the only place that has that candy. " He wrote down in his small notebook " Alright, question is... is Edgar awake? " He tapped his lip with his pencil as he quietly yet quickly ran to Edgar's room.

" Hey, Little sis, you up? " He asked as he knocked on the door " You gotta get up, you wouldn't want your stupid-shit principle to get pissy at you for sleeping in late. " He knocked on the door again.

Edgar groaned softly as he opened the door, still in his pajamas, his hair covered with a bonnet " Huh? " He slurred out " Why are y-you up s-so early? " he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes " S-school for me doesn't start for.. " He paused, looking over at his alarm clock, his eyes widened as he noticed the time; 7:00 A.M. Edgar frantically rubbed the sleep out their eyes and limped over to their dresser " Shit! " They exclaimed quietly " I-I gotta get ready o-or else the principal w-will get mad a-at me! " They dug through their clothes, flinging shirts and sweaters everywhere.

Felix stood in the doorway, watching his little sibling throw clothes all over the place, occasionally dodging the pieces of fabric " Jesus.. " He said softly " I can't believe your principal seriously gets mad if you miss school! " He furrowed his eyebrows, crossing his arms " even if your sick, the principal doesn't care! "

" Y-Yeah! " Edgar responded as he pulled out a long, soft pink sweater-dress. They also pulled out a black ' Rob Zombie ' shirt to go over the sweater-dress. " T-the principal gets s-so mad at students w-who miss school! Even i-i-if they're sick l-like h-how i get! " He exclaimed, his tone seemingly frustrated. " C-can you leave my room s-so i can change? "

Felix nodded and turned to leave " Don't forget about ' you know what '! " He called out as he left the doorway, closing the door behind him to give his sibling privacy to change.

Edgar swiftly got changed into his clothes, making sure he tied his hair up with the pink hair scarf his parent had given him. He limped out of his room, bookbag in hand and grabbed his pill case, opening the pills for the day and taking them with a gulp of water. They trembled for a moment as they grabbed their hoodie hanging off the coat rack and put it on " Maman, Papa! I-I'm leaving now, Au Revoir! " They called out as they threw their boots on and left their house, heading to the bus stop to wait for the bus to show up.

As Edgar stood out there in the cold, they looked across the street and saw Aisha and Fatima leaving their house, and Aisha noticed Edgar right back. She waved over to the child, catching their attention.

" Edgar, come on! Your mom told me i was gonna take you to school today! " Aisha called out as she opened the car door and allowed Fatima to climb in.

Edgar walked across the street and looked over the fence " Y-You're taking m-me to school? " They asked " B-but what a-about the bus? I-Isn't the b-bus coming t-to pick me up? "

" The bus schedule got changed and nobody told the school! " Aisha responded as she ushered Edgar into her car, helping him buckle " The bus driver got fired, and they can't find a replacement yet, so any and all children that took that bus now has to be driven or have to walk " She hopped into the drivers seat and started the car up.

Fatima groaned, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes " I'm tired! " she exclaimed " I just wanna lay down and eat chocolate all day! But nooooo! We've got a test today! A history test too! " She threw her arms in the air.

Aisha sighed as she adjusted her niqab in the mirror before she began driving off to the middle school " Trust me habibti, i know. " She said " I wanna do that too, just have someone feed me chocolate and allow myself to relax in bed all day, but sadly you two have to go to school and I've got work, where i know my boss is gonna be on my ass about something i didn't even do! " She furrowed her eyebrows, clearly upset.


At school, Edgar and his group were all exhausted. The test had mentally exhausted them all, as they all had their heads either resting in their hands or on their desk. In all honesty, they wanted to go home and eat candy all day, it was Valentines day after all, and they just wanted to eat chocolate.

" So, " Natsuo asked " What did your guys parents get for you guys for Valentine's day? " He yawned softly, rubbing his eyes.

" My Papa a-a-and Maman gave me my favorite f-flower, a-and my Papa is gonna b-b-b-be making me my favorite dinner tonight! " Edgar smiled as he drew on a piece of paper " I-it's tradition in o-our house, to g-g-give someone a flower on v-valentine's day "

Fatima smiled " Baba is taking us all out for a nice dinner tonight! and Mama made me my favorite breakfast today, and she also got me and my siblings some chocolate. " She smirked playfully.

Gary stretched, letting out a loud yawn " made me some Xôi for breakfast, and Padre is gonna be helping me dye my hair for the first time! " He placed his arms behind his back, relaxing into his chair " We're dyeing it blue! or.. i think its teal? maybe aquamarine? " He raised an eyebrow.

Habiba crossed her arms ' You're dyeing your hair? ' She signed to Gary ' Lucky! My pink strands are fading! I need to re-dye my hair, but my family can't afford to dye it right now ' She let out a groan as she grabbed her tablet and typed into it for a moment before pressing a button " Me and My family are all going to dinner at my Aunties place, My Auntie is a good cook " the tablet spoke in it's robotic voice.

" A-and what ab-about you, Natsuo? What's you dad gonna do with you? " Edgar asked " O-or d-does the evil w-witch have you again this week? " He crossed his arms, furrowing his eyebrows

Natsuo sighed " Well, Chichi made me some Dorayaki for breakfast, they're pancakes filled with red bean paste. " He smiled sweetly, quickly licking his lips " I'll have to ask him to make some for you guys, I think you'll like them. "

The friends all talked to one another, talking about what they all planned to do once they were all home, there was a loud thud outside in the hallway, catching the classes attention. The students all began muttering and whispering to one another, thinking it was either a door slamming, someone falling, or even worse, a gunshot.

Everyone was on high alert.

" I just wanna be myself " (A Hunchback Of Notre Dame fanstory)Where stories live. Discover now