Chapter 14

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Esmeralda let out a groan as she struggled to pick up the basket full of laundry, her back was starting to ache, her nausea never going away, yet, she knew this by now, she's been pregnant now 3 times, and morning nausea was common, and she was suffering. But hey, she's been through this before, she'll be fine.

She turned to look over at Edgar, who was sitting on the couch, drawing pictures of his favourite character as of late, Leatherface.

Sure, other parents may find that very odd, and maybe even creepy or disturbing, Y'know? Such a young child, being obsessed with a fictional murderer from a horror movie was probably very unsettling to a normal person, but to Edgar, he didn't see the issue with it, he liked Leatherface, and that is all that mattered to him.

" What you drawing now, Mon Amour? " Esmeralda asked as she dragged the basket of laundry over to the couch.

Edgar smiled widely as he held up the drawing he was working on; It was a crayon drawn image of Leatherface on what looked like a farm, drawings of pigs, cows, and chickens surrounded him, along with a cat and a dog, a barn drawing in the background, surrounded by drawn sunflowers and wheat.

" You sure do like him a lot, don't ya? " Esmeralda asked with a smile as she gently hugged her child, who nodded in response at her " Why do you like him? Is it because he's tall? "

Edgar scratched at his head for a moment " He is tall... and he looks cool too! I love his masks! He puts makeup on one! " He responded with a smile as he picked up a red crayon and added red lips to the drawing.

Esmeralda smiled as she gently kissed Edgar's cheek before she then dragged the basket full of laundry to the laundry room, where the washing machine and the dryer were at. As she unloaded the dirty clothes, a wave of nausea hit her as she felt bile come up her throat. She bolted towards the bathroom and vomited into the toilet. her hair draped on her shoulders and falling down to her back.

" M-man... I'm tired of this hair, I'm about to cut it off " She muttered as she wiped her mouth with a paper towel. She was only 2 month along, and she couldn't keep much food in her stomach before her nausea kicked in, but thankfully, she was able to keep enough in so it felt like she still ate that day.

That's when they heard a knock at the door. Esmeralda left the bathroom and opened the door. Fatima and Gary bolted inside the house, a look of panic on their faces as they fumbled and nearly fell onto the couch.

" Hey you two, what's the matter? You both look like you'd seen a ghost! " Esmeralda exclaimed as she closed the door, clearly taking notice of how the two had just rushed into her house, as if they were being chased.

" B-Brody! Brody was c-chasing us! " Gary exclaimed as he wrapped his arms around Edgar, catching the child off guard " He tried to cut my hair with scissors! "

Esmeralda gasped as she locked the door shut and went over to the phone to call Gary's parents to tell them where their child was. Meanwhile, the three friends all huddled around one another, clearly afraid of this kid, despite them all being the same age, they were scared of him.

Charlotte left her room to place something in the kitchen sink when she noticed her younger sibling and their friends all huddled up on the couch, shaking with fear. She walked over to them and sat next to them on the couch.

" Le frère? What's the matter? " Charlotte asked, a worried expression on her face as she placed a comforting hand on her siblings shoulder.

Edgar gave his older sister a hug as he looked up at her " This boy.. Won't leave my friends alone! He chased them here! " He exclaimed.

" His name is Brody! " Fatima and Gary exclaimed in unison as they looked up to look at Charlotte.

Charlotte looked at her sibling and his friends before getting off the couch and walking towards the window, where she noticed that Brody was standing right in front of the door, his hand clenched into fist as he began to knock on the door, causing Edgar, Fatima, and Gary to all embrace each other even tighter then before, they were clearly scared of this kid.

" I just wanna be myself " (A Hunchback Of Notre Dame fanstory)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ