Chapter 23

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Esmeralda sneered as she glared out the window at the house across the street " Seriously? We gotta deal with another racist family? Also why in the name of god move to a new town a couple days before Christmas? I know we don't celebrate it, but fuck me man " She shook her head, letting out a pitiful sigh.

" Maman, " Felix spoke as he brushed his hair " Those people clearly don't celebrate Christmas, they look like they're Jehovah's Witnesses, have you seen their dad? " He rolled his eyes as the hairbrush got caught in his thick hair for a moment " their dad looks like every single bad cop in existence " He chuckled softly as he finished up his hair

Micheal snorted as he playfully punched Felix's shoulder " Man, they don't even celebrate their own birthdays, because it's seen as ' displeasing god ' for some stupid ass reason! " He shrugged his shoulders, laughing softly.

Esmeralda let out a sigh, shaking her head " I gotta get ready to make Potato Latkes, and i do not have time for that woman and her religious shit " She walked to the kitchen and began searching for a pan to cook in.

Micheal and Felix peered out the window, staring at the neighbors across the street, squinting as they saw the father putting up picket signs that they couldn't read due to how far they were across the street. " Think you can read that? " Felix asked, looking over at Micheal " cause you know we got shit eyesight, i can't read that shit " 

Micheal squinted even more, getting as close to the window as he could " Uh... Something, something... ' God Hates Fa- ' " He stopped himself " Whoa! Whoa! That's a huge fucking no-no right there! That sign has a slur on it! " He walked away from the mirror and sat on the couch.

Edgar overheard his older brother from his room and raised an eyebrow " What in the name of..? " he muttered. He got off his bed and balanced himself on his hands and hand-walked out his room and into the living room, clearly oblivious to what his siblings had seen " W-what's going on? Did the neighbors d-do something? " He asked, tilting his head.

Felix sucked air through his teeth as he looked at his sibling " You really wanna know, little sis? " He asked hesitantly, raising an eyebrow " I know you don't like it when people insult us or our family, so i'm asking you now, you wanna know? " He picked Edgar up and held them in his arms, a concerned look on his face.

Edgar became concerned as well " O-oh jeez, what happened? D-did another celebrity say something mean again? " he crossed his arms " I s-swear if it was- " He was cutoff by Felix softly ruffling his hair.

" Non, Non, wasn't a celebrity. It was the backwards ass neighbors we have now, the ones that moved in across the street from us " Felix responded, pointing to the window with his thumb " They put up a very, very homophobic sign.. Like, a-a lot of them " He scratched the back of his neck nervously.

Edgar groaned loudly, rolling his eyes " Come o-on! " He exclaimed " W-why do they have t-to live across the street fr-from us? " He crossed his arms, pouting " W-we got a lotta sh-shitty people living here.. " He cursed, he looked up at his older brother " Shitty people d-don't deserve to l-live in nice houses! "

" Edgar! " Esmeralda called from the kitchen " Can you come here please? I need you! "

Edgar perked up, he hopped off Felix's lap and limped into the kitchen, fidgeting with his fingers, he was a bit nervous that his parent heard him cursing and was afraid about being hit, despite the fact he and his siblings had never, in their lives, been spanked or smacked for swearing. " Yeah M-Maman? Is e-everything okay? " He asked sheepishly.

Esmeralda looked at her child and smiled " Yes, Mon Ange, everything is fine. " She said sweetly " You wanna help me cook the Potato Latkes? I want you to help me, is that alright? " She rummaged through the fridge for a moment before finding the eggs and a singular onion " I want you to crack the eggs into this bowl for me, think you can do that? "

" I just wanna be myself " (A Hunchback Of Notre Dame fanstory)Where stories live. Discover now