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I'm just gonna say this, I can't believe i've written as much as I have for this book lol. Usually I prefer to write shorter novels but this one... is gonna be longer.
We're already at chapter 14.. wow!

I was in the babies room making sure everything was set up nice and neat, I also was cleaning it. Harry popped his head in, "Hey, I'm going to go run a few errands with Louis, you okay with that?"

I turned around and looked at him. "Yes that's fine, i'm just cleaning up in here, just to prepare. I also wanted to film a few clips of things today. So i'll be busy myself" I smiled at him.

Harry came over and hugged me. "Okay, i'll be back shortly. I love you" He kissed my forehead .

I gave him another quick smile before getting back to what i'd been doing before.

Ever since Harry and I found out we'd be having a baby, I started making small videos here and there about updates and our journey with our first kid. Id post some on tik tok, instagram and the main videos would be on Youtube.
Our channel was just simply called "Liam and Harry!"
It wasn't a big thing but we'd already had a lot of subscribers and followers, it's crazy how many people love watching a pregnancy journey.. especially when you're teens.
The only videos we had posted so far was our introduction video about ourselves, how we met and how we had found out we were having a kid at such a young age, and how our parents took it.

Eventually everyone we'd known from school, had found out. Some people were shocked, others were excited and had followed our social medias.

Today I was just going to give a bump update, as well as a nursery update.

After I had straightened up the nursery, I went to our room to get dressed for the day. I put on a pair of black leggings and a white 'fitness' tank top, then i did a simple hair pony tail, and applied makeup to my face, but it was just a natural look of makeup.

I set the camera up in the nursery, against a wall, in the camera you could see the babies bed and the chair I would soon rock him in. I sat in the rocking chair and pressed 'play'

"Good afternoon guys! It is currently 12:00, I thought i'd give a quick update of how life's going so far and give you a little room tour and so on. I hope you enjoy the video! Harry and I are going to be doing a Q&A next week so be sure to Comment any questions you have down below, We'll also post a Poll on instagram so be sure to check that out!"

I paused the camera for a moment to fix it up. I grabbed the camera off the stand and pressed play. "Okay so, First up. I want to show everyone my bump. I'm so excited for everyone to see! He's getting so big, we're currently at 6 months so not too much longer, and our little man will be here! "

I stood in front of the little body-mirror on the closet door and faced the camera towards my reflection. "He's been kicking a lot here lately, so we know for a fact he's excited to be here already. I think he's going to be a daddy's boy... sadly. He loves it when Harry talks to him!" I laughed softly.

I did a quick turn to show my full bump, then set the camera back up and I sat back down. "This is his nursery, it's very simple but elegant. And we love it. One of our favorite movies growing up was toy story, so we decided we'd give Baby S a toy story themed room. The links will be posted down below to everything we've bought for the room."

I spent the rest of the video just showing off a few items we'd be taking with us to the hospital when that time came.

Soon enough , Harry had arrived back home. I was still filming the video when him and Louis came into the room.

"You still filming?" Harry mouthed to me, by the bed room door.

I nodded at him and waved at Louis. I made a gesture to them to come in.
"Harry's finally home, after what? an hour?" I laughed

"Shhh i had things to doooo" He smiled and waved at the camera. "hello beautiful people!"

"This is uncle Louis, everyone." I pulled Louis into the camera and he blushed. "this is his first time in one of our videos, so get used to seeing him a lot more soon!"

I hurried to finish the video. After I turned the camera off , Harry, Louis and I went into the living room.
"So what all did you do today?" I asked Harry and Louis as i made my way into the kitchen.

"We just went to a few stores. I picked up a few things for when we go to the hospital" Harry said, putting a chip into his mouth.

"Oh yeah? What'd you get?"

"Here i'll show you" He stood up, grabbing a few bags.

He pulled out a few little hats, another outfit and some other random things.
I smiled at him. "Aww those are cute" I complimented.

Louis was sitting on the couch looking at his phone when he said "Yeah thanks to me. I picked those out, you're welcome"

I laughed. "Well thank you Louis"
I spent the rest of the day preparing dinner for tonight. We was having a big family dinner. So Louis, Kayla, my parents and Harry's mom would be over around 6:00.

I made my famous Italian chicken pasta. Harry loved it . I'm pretty sure it was his favorite.

I also made a few desserts . I made home-made ice cream and some cookies.

"I wanna see the babies room!" Kayla said loudly after we had finished eating.

"I'll show you all after i'm done cleaning up" I grinned at Kayla because I knew she didn't want to wait any longer. It was her first time at the house and she had been bugging me all week about seeing the nursery.

"Oh come on. don't be like that!" Kayla whined.

Everyone laughed. "Guess what?" Louis said with a smirk at Kayla.

"What-" Kayla deadpanned.

"I've already seen the room. Haha" He joked.

Kayla rolled her eyes and threw a kitchen towel at his face. "jerk" she mumbled.

I had a feeling that the two of them actually liked each other, even though they acted as if they hated each other.

"Hey, let me clean up. You've been on your feet all day, and you made dinner, it's the least i could do" Harry said to me as i was washing a dish.

I looked over at him and sighed "Okay, thank you" I kissed his cheek and he took over the cleaning.

"Okay, okay. Cmon let's go."

everyone followed me into the nursery.

Kayla gasped loudly. "This is amazing! Who knew you had such great designing skills" She playfully slapped my arm.

I snickered. "Well I wasn't the only one, Harry helped a lot. Like that bed wouldn't be there if it weren't for him . God knows i don't know how to build things."

"Oh it's getting so close so fast. I can't wait to meet my little grandson" My mom began to tear up .

"Mommm don't cry, if you cry, i'll cry." i hugged her.


Around 8, everyone left. And again, it was just Harry and I.

We had changed into some comfortable clothes and cuddled up on the couch, watching a movie.

Here lately, that's all our life consisted of. Laying around, watching movies, doing basically nothing.

I'll admit, I missed being free, and in high school. I've lost so many friends due to this pregnancy. But i wouldn't trade it for anything.
I loved harry and i loved this baby.
OKAY! This was basically a filler chapter. I didn't know what else to do but i knew i needed to give the "six months" thing a little go. But the next few chapters will be longer and also will be a fast forward thingy lol.

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