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Liam was fumbling around her room quickly, ripping each piece of clothing off one by one. rushing. She threw her dress on the floor, not caring enough to even put it up. She took her earrings out as well as took her other jewelry  off , placing them on the desk in her room.

She was upset. She wasn't upset because they did such a stupid thing in her living room in front of everyone, she was upset because it was like Harry hadn't cared. You could see it in his eyes when he looked up at her.

What nobody knew, other than Kayla... of course. Was that Liam had began catching feelings for Harry.

When Harry had stood up for her earlier that day during lunch, she thought just maybe... that he felt the same way for her. But tonight? Clearly she was wrong.

She pounced down on her bed and sighed. She grabbed her stuffed monkey that she's had since she was a baby, she usually only laid with it if she was upset, feeling lonely or just sad, and  right now, she was feeling all those emotions.

She took her pillow and covered her face it. She laid flat on her back and screamed into the pillows.

Finally after about thirty minutes, the house was silent. Liam sat up off the bed and looked around her room. She grabbed her phone that was on her night stand and texted kayla.

TO KAY🌸💛- Are you still here ?

FROM KAY🌸💛- Yes, finishing up cleaning the house and then i'll be up there.

She hit like on the text message and then continued to cuddle her monkey.
*knock knock knock*

"Come in." Liams voice muffled in the pillow.

Slowly and hesitantly they made their way into the room, being sure to shut the door.

"Please tell me everyone's finally gone" Liam said into her pillow.

There was a silence.
"Kay?" Liam said, taking the pillow off her face.

The room was dark so she couldn't hardly see.

Whoever it was, sat on the bed beside Liam, which made Liam sigh. "Kay, are you okay?"
she mumbled, then felt a hand being placed on her cheek.

Liam gasped, and out of reaction, she moved her head.

But the hand was placed on her face once more, a thumb caressing her cheek.

Liam stuck her hands out and felt around for the other figure. Her hands landed on a pair of broad shoulders, she slid them up and touched their face and felt their hair on the shoulders.

She slowly touched their face and then immediately pulled away, turning her head away from their hand.


"What are you doing here. I told you to leave" Liam mumbled as she scooted against the head board of her bed, bringing her knees to her chest.

"you really thought i was going to leave? Just like that?" Harry's voice sounded the room.

Liam smacked her lips. "uhm yeah. Considering i told you to. I don't want you here, Harry. I asked you to leave... so just leave" She buried her face into her knees.

Harry stood up and turned the room light on.

Liam groaned and looked at him. "Harry, seriously."

Harry tilted his head and looked at her. "get over it. i'm not leaving until we talk"

Liam rolled her eyes and laid back down on her bed, back facing him. "no" she mumbled.

Harry sat back down on the bed behind her. "Look, I'm sorry. I get why you're upset. You have every right to be. I violated your home. It was bad on my end, and i'm sorry. I honestly wasn't thinking right. I didn't even know the girl... i guess i was just bored and i was drunk."
He signed and placed his hand on her hip. "Can you please look at me when i talk to you, Liam?"

Liam shook her head no. "I don't want to look at you because if i look at you i'll either throw up, cry or punch you." she said honestly.

Harry bit his lip to contain himself from chuckling. "i get it. But Liam. I can't talk to you without you looking at me. I need to see you"

Liam groaned and sat up and looked at him. "fine. you have five seconds to talk and then you're leaving because i'm this fucking close to kicking you in your dick."

Harry nodded. "I'm sorry, Li. I really am. I wasn't thinking-" She cut him off.

"Yeah clearly."

"Look... I really like you liam. and not just as my friend or a Fuck buddy. I really like you. and i know it doesn't make sense considering what i just did. But once again, I wasn't thinking straight. I was drunk. and i feel awful. But i promise you right now, that in this moment, i'm telling you the truth. I really like you. I'm not used to things like this, liam. I'm not the type of guy who's dated people. But you? you're different. You make me wanna change the way i am. I want to be better for you. I want to be good for you. I want you, liam. I only want you... Don't you see?"

Liam watched as he talked. She felt a million different things right now, if that was even possible. To feel this many things at once.

She hated him, yet she loved him. She wanted to punch him, no she wanted to just lay with him... She wanted to fuck his face up for doing this to her, but she wanted to fuck him.

She sighed and looked in his eyes. "I like you too harry. Why do you think i got so mad ? It wasn't that you was doing it in my house, it's the fact that you didn't care enough to do it in private, when i wouldn't see it. It was like you forgot i even existed. THATS what hurt the most. You just didn't care enough. And honestly, i hate you for that. I really hate the fact that you did that. Maybe it wouldn't have been so awful if you did it in private and maybe if i hadn't ever found out. It would've probably been alright, but no."

Harry looked down and played with his fingers. "i know, i know. and you have every right to hate me... but all i want from now on, is to make you happy and i won't stop until i do. Understand?"

Liam shrugged her shoulders and mumbled "ok" .

"I just want to be alone right now, Harry. I don't want to be bothered by this right now... okay? I'll talk to you later when i'm ready. But right now isn't the time"

Harry sighed and stood up. "Okay, that's fine. See you later, Li" He bent down and kissed her forehead before leaving the room.

Liam yelled into her pillow, and Kayla heard from downstairs. She ran up the stairs and busted into Liam's room.
"What's the matter?! I heard you scream!"

Liam groaned. "You didn't tell me harry was still here and he came in here and UGH!"

Kayla slightly chuckled. "Liam i didn't know, sorry. But what happened?"

Liam and Kayla talked for about twenty minutes.

Kayla felt a bit bad for Harry and Liam at the same time. "I think you can forgive him, but still give yourself time away from him. You both are a little hard headed and obviously you both like each other. But you two.. need some time away from each other. I mean think about it, you've been with each other a lot here lately, hanging out and things. So just give yourself a break for a little bit and then you can talk to him and you guys can fix this up. Sound good?"

Liam rolled her eyes and nodded. "Yeah, Okay"

And that's what Liam did. She texted harry that night and explained that she needed some time apart from him and that when she was ready, she would talk to him and sort this out.

But honestly... that didn't last long, at all.


Guysss... there's a HUGE plot twist coming! And i'm SO excited about it! So be ready :)) Also sorry this is a short chapter-

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