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HIS SIGH WAS SHAKY, NODDING POLITELY TO THE LAST LAB WORKER LEAVING AS HE USED HIS KEYCARD TO OPEN THE DOOR. Heart monitors overtook his ears, Gecko slowly peeked his head through, seeing Samuel's closed eyes. He lay face back, as if he was in a medically induced coma. The drips of the V were too loud for his ears, the Compound V calmly integrating itself within the boy's blood. Shutting the door behind him, Gecko gulped, inching closer to the bed. Samuel was knocked straight out, his complexion pale as his hair laid greasy upon his pillow.

He had suffered immense head trauma, making it unethically easier to keep him out. A bandage wrapped around his head, another around his leg in which he had time to heal. Gecko sighed out in relief that the boy was unconscious, unlocking his drawer to see multiple tubes of Compound V. Grabbing two, the man glanced back at Samuel's closed eye lids before leaving the room, locking it securely.

His eyes opened, Samuel hearing the door shut faintly to the whole lab. He gulped, his throat stinging as he breathed in deeply- The boy choked, letting his head fall to his right. A bar? It extended over his body and his each of his feet and hands, tying him down. Where was he? What was he doing here? Is everyone okay? Lolling his head to his left, Samuel squinted at the sight of a needle going into his arm. Following the tube, his eyes set on the bag...

Full to the brim of Compound V.

The heart monitor quickened, Samuel beginning to strain as the straps squeaked at the sudden movement. Tears fell down to his ears, Samuel attempting to jump himself up. "No, no, no. Please." The boy croaked, his cries silent as he harshly reached his other hand over to catch the needle, but the restraints were too tight. His breathing got shorter, the boy squeezing his eyes shut as he ignored the pain in his body, trying to pull himself up.

Samuel flinched, not ready for the sudden movement himself as the bar snapped in two over his chest. Sitting up, the boy felt insanely dizzy, pulling his right hand up. He, surprisingly easily, snapped that metal bar also, amazed at his own strength. Whoever did this, they had been keeping him here to drug him. And give him the thing he hated the most.

A superpower.

He pulled the needle from his arm, ignoring the drop of blood that followed. His head felt like it was on cloud nine. He felt... amazing. Pulling the bars off of his feet and hand, Samuel got off his bed to simply meet the ground. He groaned, his chest ragged as his heart monitor was too fast to count, Samuel let his head fall back on his bed for a moment. Pulling his legs up, Samuel's brows furrowed, reaching to pull off the bandage off of his leg. All that laid underneath was a bullet scar. As if he'd been shot many years ago.

What year was it now? "Shit." He stood up, seeing a specific symbol on the wall. A Vought one. Ripping the equipment from his body, his actions went unnoticed by Vought's security guard who had his back turned to the screens. Samuel had been out for months... what difference would tonight make? Samuel glanced at the door, inhaling deeply before looking back around his given room.

He saw his clothes, the boy heavily confused. They had washed them and put them near his bed? He didn't bother to dwell on it, getting dressed quickly. He messily untied the bandage from his head, throwing his pillow elsewhere as Gecko's keycard lay underneath. Swiftly taking it, the boy opened his door with ease, shutting it quietly. He had no weapons on him, the boy only seeing darkness and dimly lit equipment. He made no advance to explore before heading straight towards the only door he saw. Peeking his head out, he hurriedly retreated, hearing footsteps walk past him.

𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘣𝘰𝘺, 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙤𝙮𝙨Where stories live. Discover now