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ANNIE DIDN'T PICK UP AGAIN, HUGHIE CURSING BEFORE A VEHICLE WAS HEARD. Everyone sprung up, Frenchie being the first to see all of the black cars out the window. "Merde!" He threw a gun to M.M, Samuel catching another. "Butcher." M.M tried to hand a gun to the man, Hugh helping Monique and Janine get somewhere safe. "Fucking hell, calm down." The man spoke, everyone pointing their guns at the door. Samuel watched Billy walk out without a care, Kimiko heavily confused.

"All right, easy, lads, easy." He walked back in with Raynor and others, Samuel huffing as he dropped the gun on the table. "M.M." Raynor called, the man walking forward as Billy watched Samuel grip handfuls of his own hair. "Stop being so paranoid, son." He whispered, Samuel steadying his breathing as Kimiko stood up straight. "Deputy director." M.M greeted, Raynor nodding to him. "Your family's gonna be okay, you have my word." The CIA searched the room, M.M nodding.

"Thank you." He smiled, Raynor searching the place. "You called?" M.M asked Billy, the man staying silent. "You are human after all-" "Well, let's not get too carried away." Frenchie took the gun from Samuel's spot, Kimiko glancing to the boy. "Thanks, man." The two watched an agent guide Monique and Janine, the woman confused. "This way, ma'am-" "Monique, I'm sorry." He told the woman, Monique holding Janine's backpack as she sniffled. "I never want to see you again, Marvin." She walked away, M.M's face dropping before he knelt to hug Janine. "Come here. Mm. Daddy loves you, okay?"

She nodded, M.M sniffling. "You're gonna be safe with Mommy. All right?" Janine nodded silently, M.M doing the same. "All right." He let her go, Samuel watching Hughie and his father. The two hugged tightly, Hughie nodding. "Take care of yourself." He told his dad, the man nodding. "All right. All right." He walked out, Raynor walking back to Billy. "No Homelander." Billy spoke, Raynor nodding. "No Homelander. We had a deal. Everyone else is fair game. Do you want this or not?" Raynor asked the man, Hughie and Samuel watching him.

Billy handed over the sample, Raynor leaving without a goodbye. Hughie's phone buzzed, Samuel glancing over. "Annie, are you okay?" He asked quietly, hearing sniffles over the phone as Samuel couldn't hear Hughie. "I have to see you." She stated, Hughie wincing. "I, uh... I don't think that's such a good idea." He spoke lightly, Annie sighing. "You have to explain, Hughie. You have to make this make sense." Hughie squeezed his lips shut, Billy sighing in his spot as the cars left.

"Just you and me. You owe me that much."

"I'M SORRY. I'M NOT FOLLOWING." MADELYN SMILED, RAYNOR SHRUGGING. "You and your corporation are fucked. Unequivocally, unilaterally fucked." She spoke, watching Madelyn stare at her. "How was that? Was that clearer for you?" She asked sarcastically, Madelyn staying silent as Raynor leant forward. "For the last half century, you have been feeding American people the line that your superheroes are chosen by God." Raynor held up the sample. "I mean, I get it." She began, Madelyn's face dropping lightly. "Jamming illegal drugs into babies' arms- I mean, that doesn't quite have the same ring, and that's not even the worst."

Raynor put a picture of Kimiko forward. "What did you do to this one, and why?" She asked, Madelyn shrugging. "I've never seen her in my entire life." Raynor nodded, a smile on her face. "Uh-huh-" "What do you want?" Madelyn asked, Raynor clearing her throat. "For starters, there are no superheroes in the U.S. Armed Forces." She stated, Madelyn shaking her head. "The bill's already gone down to the floor. They're gonna vote on it anyday now." She let out, watching Raynor nod.

𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘣𝘰𝘺, 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙤𝙮𝙨Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu