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SAMUEL SAT BORED ON THE COUCH, FRENCHIE WATCHING THE SHOW NEXT TO HIM. The boy paid no attention to the woman as she sat on the other side of Frenchie, the latter staring at her. She silently watched the show with the other two, Samuel letting the fact about sharks go through one ear and out the other. "Mon couer. Would you like me to change it?" Frenchie asked, Samuel glancing to the woman. She made eye contact with him briefly before looking back to Frenchie, shaking her head softly.

M.M watched the ordeal from his spot ahead of them, Frenchie facing the woman. "Incroyable. You talked to me. She talked to me." He told Samuel, the boy picking at the bandage around his hand that M.M had helped him with. "She nodded at you." He corrected, Frenchie humming. "That's communicating. She likes Shark Week, huh?" He asked the woman, M.M sorting out his papers. "I'll call Buzzfeed." His comment was ignored, Frenchie glancing back to Samuel.

"I wonder if she lived by the water." He spoke, the woman watching the show silently. "Or she just likes sharks. I used to like dinosaurs." Frenchie looked to the boy as he spoke. "Doesn't mean I lived next to a T-Rex." He remarked boredly, Frenchie glancing back to M.M before standing up. "That's adorable." He remarked back, Samuel ducking once his hair was ruffled. The woman glanced at the two before looking back to the screen. M.M watched Samuel rearrange himself on the couch, awkwardly looking to the woman before Frenchie sat in front of the man.

"You know, you can't fool me. Who is she? What does she want? Why is she here?" Frenchie asked, Samuel leaning his head on the back of the couch as he yawned. M.M rolled his eyes at Frenchie's obsession with the woman. "She could be the key to it all. That's what you think, huh?" The woman looked to the man briefly, M.M shaking his head. "No, that's not what I think-" "Yes, you do. It torments you. It's okay." M.M tilted his head at Frenchie. "Listen, i got one word for you. It's a surefire way to solve this puzzle. Once and for all."

Samuel lifted his head up at this, staring at Frenchie's back. "Tell me." M.M spoke sarcastically, raising his arms. "Mesmer." Samuel's head tited, confused. "Mesmer?" M.M asked, Samuel glancing to the woman. "He's the guy that could read people by touching them." She looked to him, M.M nodding. "Exactly," He looked to Frenchie. "you want help from a Supe?-" "He despises Vought, hates them, hates the other Supes. And the enemy of your enemy..." He nodded encouragingly, M.M sighing.

"Frenchie, what part of 'you're burned' do you not understand?" This caused Frenchie to shake his head with a smile. "Oh, come on. It's a quick trip. She and I will hide in the van. Let's go. In, out, boom, bing." Samuel scoffed with laughter, Frenchie glancing at him. "Boom, bing?-" "I'll tell you what I can do. I can... possibly," M.M winced as he spoke, leaving Frenchie immediately intrigued- "tattoo 'fuck no' on your ass." Frenchie stood up, huffing. "Best I can do." M.M continued, Samuel looking back to the screen.

"You know... I've seen you eat ice cream." M.M groaned aloud at Frenchie's words. "Chunky Monkey, I believe-" "Where is this going?" M.M interrupted, wanting to get back to his papers. "Well, you know, you take a spoonful, a chunk of fudge, perhaps. But then I see you with the surface is uneven. So what do you do?" Frenchie asked, Samuel glancing at the men. "You take another scoop, you try to even it out, which, tragically, creates a corresponding divot. Ultimately, there is only but one choice for you, no?"

He leaned forward, M.M silent. "To consume the entire pint. You don't want to, no, you don't." Frenchie spoke, M.M sighing. "But you must. And I tell you why, my friend, because you cannot bear things out of order. And she..." The group looked to the woman as she glanced around at each of them.

𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘣𝘰𝘺, 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙤𝙮𝙨Where stories live. Discover now