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"BUTCHER!" FRENCHIE TORE RUBBLE FROM THE MAN, M.M. HELPING AS THEY BOTH PULLED BILLY UP. The search for the Supe terrorist ended up being a search for Kimiko's brother. Billy steadied himself, glaring at Hughie. The man himself was breathless, having half a party store thrown onto him as he leaned on a counter. "Butcher, no." M.M. spoke, watching Billy storm his way over to Hughie.

"Butcher, Butcher, easy!" He moved forward, holding the man back as Hughie instantly attempted to defend himself. "The CIA would have locked him up in some black box forever, and Kimiko would never see her brother again!" He reasoned, Billy pushing himself off of M.M.

He stepped back, glaring at Hughie again. "Right." Billy hummed, wiping his mouth with a small smirk. "You..." He pointed at Hughie's chest as he spoke. "fuck off. Rest of you, with me." Billy ordered, and Hughie's demeanor fell gently. Billy had cut him off just like that. With a snap of his fingers. Walking towards the entrance of the store, Billy noticed that he only heard his footsteps.

He picked up his gun amidst the rubble, turning around. "Well, come on, don't piss about. We ain't got all night." Billy nodded, watching Frenchie and M.M. stay put. Hughie glanced at the two men, looking back at Billy. The man observed the two, tilting his head with a squint. "Fuck you waiting for?" He asked again, but the two men stayed still, unmoving.

Billy just nodded, scoffing as he spoke. "Are you telling me that her family is worth more to you than you seeing your own?" He stepped forward towards M.M., Hughie staying silent. "No, I'm not. But Kimiko is one of us. I'll find another way." M.M. shrugged, Billy nodding to himself. "I suppose you agree, don't you?" He nodded towards Frenchie, shrugging sarcastically. "Since your tongue is halfway up her ass." He spat, and watched Frenchie agree gently.

"Jesus. It's like Hughie's infected you both with a raging case of vagina." His tone raised, and Hughie decided his gaze was best on the floor. "You know what, even Samuel would agree with me. That's how stupid you guys are." Billy spat, and Frenchie stepped forward.

"Don't rope Sammy into this, Butcher." He warned, Billy scrunching his brows. "Come on, Frenchie, the guy is a Supe terrorist. Are we supposed to feel sorry for him because of a sob story we're not a part of?" Billy scoffed, shrugging. No one answered, and Billy just turned his back to the group, giving up. "Becca's alive." He declared softly, Hughie looking at him as everyone went quiet. "What?" He asked, Billy huffing. "She's alive. Vought's holding her captive somewhere."

He announced, turning around. "Butcher, if you-" "No. I'm not stark raving, all right? I fucking saw her." Billy shut down M.M.'s claim immediately, sighing. "She had a little boy with her. The spitting image of Homelander. I thought he just wanted to humiliate me, show me what he'd done to my girl, before he gave me the good news." The group shared glances, allowing Billy to continue.

"Then I woke up three hours later in a Tony fucking Cicero's. God knows why." He stepped closer again, his face lacking any usual hardness to it. "I got to find her, and I got to get her the fuck out of there. And I need your help to do it." Billy finished, looking at his group. There was silence, before M.M. spoke up again.

"Are you fucking with us?" He spoke, Billy not even trying to shoot back. "I find the terrorist for Mallory, she finds Becca for me. That's the deal I made. I know what I done to you, alright? And by rights, you should tell me to fuck off." Billy shrugged, Frenchie glancing at M.M.. Billy Butcher was begging the men for help.

"But still... I'm asking."

𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘣𝘰𝘺, 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙤𝙮𝙨Where stories live. Discover now