Chapter 3 Uneasy Alliances (Overhauled)

Start from the beginning

"That didn't go as planned," Sky grumbled.

"Obviously," Cardin growled, his fists clenched in frustration. "We need a new strategy. One that doesn't involve that loud blonde getting in the way."

Russel tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Perhaps we should focus on isolating Blake from her team. If she's alone, she'll be easier to manipulate."

Dove nodded in agreement. "That makes sense. But how do we do that?"

Cardin, a sly smile creeping across his face, pulled out his Scroll and began typing a message. "We create an opportunity, of course. One that will drive a wedge between Blake and her teammates."

The first day of classes flew by in a flurry of introductions, explanations of schedules, and tours of the magnificent Beacon Academy. The girls marveled at the expansive training grounds, the state-of-the-art combat classrooms, and the colossal library. Ruby practically vibrated with excitement, already picturing herself training in every corner of the academy. Weiss, ever the perfectionist, meticulously took notes on the curriculum and regulations. Blake, more reserved, observed their surroundings with a cautious curiosity. Yang, ever the social butterfly, struck up conversations with students from other teams, her easy smile and boisterous laugh quickly winning them over.

As the afternoon sun began its descent, casting long shadows across the halls, Team RWBY found themselves gathered in their dorm room, each recounting their experiences from the first day.

Ruby, practically bouncing off the walls, launched into a detailed account of her first combat class with Professor Goodwitch. "It was amazing, Weiss! We learned all these cool disarming maneuvers and dodging techniques! And Professor Goodwitch is super strict, but in a way that makes you want to work even harder!"

Weiss, who had spent most of the afternoon dissecting the intricacies of Aura with her professor, smiled thinly. "Fascinating, Ruby. I, for one, found Professor Peach's lecture on Aura control to be quite enlightening."

Yang, sprawled out on her bunk, chimed in with a playful jab at Weiss's usual seriousness. "Come on, Ice Queen, lighten up a little! It's not all about textbooks and lectures."

Blake, who had spent a good portion of the day lost in the library's vast collection of historical texts, remained mostly silent, her golden eyes flickering with a hidden intensity.

"What about you, Blake?" Ruby chirped, noticing her teammate's quiet demeanor. "What did you do today?"

Blake hesitated for a moment before replying. "I spent most of the day in the library," she said, her voice soft. "There's an extensive collection of historical texts and Grimm studies. I found a particularly fascinating book on the origins of the Faunus and their relationship with humanity."

Their conversation continued, a comfortable ebb and flow settling over the room. Suddenly, a notification buzzed on Blake's Scroll. She frowned as she glanced at the screen, her brows furrowing in confusion.

"It's an anonymous message," she muttered, tapping the screen to open it.

The message was brief and cryptic, containing a single sentence: "Meet me at the abandoned windmill on the eastern cliffs tonight. Come alone. It concerns your past."

Blake's heart hammered against her ribs. The mention of her past sent a jolt of curiosity and apprehension coursing through her. Memories, both happy and painful, flooded her mind. Who could know about her past, and why would they want to meet in such a secluded location?

"Is everything alright, Blake?" Weiss questioned, noticing the sudden shift in her expression.

Blake hesitated, torn between her desire to learn more and the nagging feeling that something wasn't right. She glanced at her teammates, their faces filled with concern.

"It's nothing," she lied, forcing a smile. "Just a strange message I received."

The lie tasted bitter on her tongue. A part of her yearned to confide in her team, but another part, a more guarded and cautious side, held her back. The past was a burden she carried alone, a secret she wasn't sure she was ready to share.

Meanwhile, across the hall, Team CRDL watched the exchange through a strategically placed Scroll. A smirk played on Cardin's lips.

"Looks like our plan is working," he said, his voice laced with satisfaction. "Just gotta reel in the tuna and she'll be in our hands."

The cryptic message gnawed at Blake throughout the evening. The possibility of uncovering something about her past, especially something unknown to her team, was a powerful lure. Yet, the secrecy and the isolated location reeked of a trap. Dinner with her teammates was a tense affair. Blake forced conversation, her mind preoccupied with the message. Ruby's boundless energy felt grating, Weiss's sharp wit seemed pointed, and even Yang's easygoing nature felt like a facade.

As dusk settled, casting long shadows across the campus, Blake made a decision. She couldn't ignore the message entirely, but she wouldn't walk into a potential ambush alone. With a heavy heart, she slipped out of the dorm room, leaving a note on her bunk that simply read, "Gone for a walk. Back soon."

The trek to the eastern cliffs was a lonely one. The wind whipped at her cloak, carrying the distant scent of the ocean. The full moon cast an eerie glow on the deserted landscape, and the rustle of unseen creatures in the tall grasses sent shivers down her spine. Finally, she reached the abandoned windmill, its skeletal frame silhouetted against the moonlit sky.

A figure cloaked in shadow stood near the base. As Blake approached, the figure stepped forward. "Blake Belladonna," he rasped, his voice a low growl. "I've been expecting you."

Blake's hand instinctively reached for the hilt of Gambol Shroud, her weapon hidden beneath her cloak. "Who are you? And how do you know my name?"

The man chuckled, a dry, humorless sound. "Call me Omen. And let's just say your past isn't as buried as you might think."

Intrigue battled with caution in Blake's eyes. "What do you mean?"

Omen gestured towards the crumbling base of the windmill. "There's something you need to see."

Hesitantly, Blake followed Omen into the darkness of the windmill. The air grew thick with dust and the scent of decay. They descended a rickety wooden staircase, each creak echoing ominously in the silence. As they reached the bottom, Omen pointed towards a small, hidden alcove.

Inside, nestled amongst cobwebs and debris, lay a dusty leather satchel. Blake unclasped it, her heart pounding in anticipation. Inside, she found a collection of faded photographs, each depicting a group of smiling Faunus children. But one photo, tucked away in a hidden compartment, sent a jolt of recognition through her - it was a younger version of herself, standing beside a woman with warm brown eyes and a gentle smile. A woman Blake barely remembered - her mother.


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