I tried to ring the bell 3 times but no one opened the door. Rehan was not supposed to go anywhere, as far as I know.

As I opened the door I see the full house decorated and also in a mess.

"What is this? Everything is so messed up. Where is my sofa?", I asked him because I really couldn't find it.

"Rehan I'm talking to you. Rehan.", and I noticed he had headphones on.

I roughly pull them out.

"What? They'll break.", he says.

"And what about my house? You have just turned it into a dump yard. Do you have any courtesy that this is someone else's house. You know that Rosy is not here. I will have to clean all this after a long day at work but why will you care. You always have had servants around getting things as fast as you blink your eye. And that's what even I have been doing since you have been my client. But you don't know what effect does it have on their life and jobs.", I just spill out.

"I just shifted the party home.", he says in a freighted tone.

"Without asking me. I hope you remember this is my house.", I say folding my hands.

"It's snowing heavily. So I thought home will be a better place."

"Who tells you to think? I'm going to sleep. Do whatever you want to. Manage everything and don't come to me for anything."

I just slammed the door of my room. What the hell does he thinks. He has messed up my entire life. Personal as well as professional.

As I was resting in my room, within 5 mins he came in.

"Ananya.", he said in the lowest possible pitch.

"What?", I shout.

"Listen na."

"What Rehan?"

"Can I come in.", he stands on the door.

"As if, If I say no, you won't."

"I won't. it's your house. remember.", Oh god drama.


"Actually the problem is.."

"Problem.", I look at him.

"The food I ordered came and I dropped it all in the kitchen and the thing is that only an hour is left and."

"And you don't know what to do. In your house you have 10 chefs to cook 10 different cuisines, but there is no one here."

"Yes. Can you...."

"Can I cook?", I said getting up from my bed and walking towards the door.

"Oh no no no. How can I ask you to cook? I was just saying can you give me number of any other restaurant."

I walk out to the kitchen. "Come on first you start cleaning I'll just go to David's house to get some grocery. No time to go to market."

"Me? I have to clean this.", he asks.

"No your servants will come and do and we will party with them."

"Doing doing. So ladies and gentlemen you will finally see Rehan Kundra cleaning. And guess what? Whose house it is? The rocking Rock star Ananya Singhania. Don't you girls feel jealous?"

I can't stop myself from laughing.

I get breads and some other stuffs from David's house and see Rehan on the sofa sleeping, resting.

"Oyee, get up."

"I'm tired."

"So am I but I'm doing it for yo... But I'm doing it.", was supposed to say you.

Both of us actually, I prepared the whole snacks and stuff and some soft drinks and then realized how will Rehan's guest be happy with soft drinks. We need drinks for them. Rehan gets them.

"Keep the bottles on the table outside and take these dishes out.", I tell him.

"OK ma'am. Smells nice.", he said smelling the food.

I clean up the remaining mess in the kitchen and move towards the dining area.

"Chef will you marry me?", he said as soon as I reach the dining area.

"Why?", I said placing the plates on the table.

"So that all my life I can eat the yummy food prepared by you.", he said.

"But what will be my salary?", I asked jokingly.

"Whatever you ask for my chef.", he said opening his arms.

"One solitaire each month. Diamonds are my first love.", I say placing my hand over his.

"Quite an expensive food that will cost me.", he said lying flat on the floor, dramatically.

"Haha, that's the deal. Good food, Good diamonds."

And the doorbell rings.

Armaan it is. I hope he doesn't shift in my house now.

(Sometimes your schedule gets affected by some people but managing it is what requires your ability. Ananya was definitely angry with Rehan but that anger was a mixture of a whole of other things. But they quiet made it up sweetly.

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