Marc / Early Mornings

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You wrapped your arms around your body as you sobbed and rocked back and forth.

"No, no, no please." You whispered over and over as you cried.
Suddenly the door opened and you looked up in fear.

"Please, please don't." You cried out as the mna knelt down.

"Shh, it's okay. There's no need to be afraid." He said as you looked up at his face.

"I'm scared." You whispered as he sat on the floor and crossed his legs.

"I know, I know you're afraid. All of this is brand new, you don't know what will happen. But, I'm here to assure you that you won't be hurt. I saw what those awful men were doing to you and I couldn't walk away. Who were they?" He asked as you sniffled and wiped away from of your tears.

"My father's friends." You whispered as he nodded.

"What they were doing isn't right, people who care about you don't hurt you." He said as you began to cry more and nodded.

"Can I come closer?"


That's how it all started.
A better life.
It was a year after Moon knight had rescued you and now you lived with him.
Safe and sound.
You woke up next to Marc and stared at him.
You'd had nightmares all night, you were surprised he didn't wake up.

"Marc." You whispered gently resting your hand on his shoulder.
He slowly woke up and looked at you.

"Good morning, baby." He said as you cuddled into him.

"Everything okay?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around you.

"I had bad dreams." You whispered as Marc nodded.
He knew by the tone of your voice that you'd regressed.

"I'm sorry, baby. It's okay, you're safe with me, my sweet girl." He whispered, kissing your forehead as you nodded.

"We'll have an easy day today, pancakes for breakfast, watch some movies, do some colouring." Marc whispered making you smile a little.

"I like that idea." You whispered making him chuckle softly.

"Good girl."

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