02. A Lavish Wedding

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02. A Lavish Wedding

Branded cars were parked infront of the venue where the most iconic wedding of all the time is being held

Yeah the previous brothers were married too, but as only Vedika is the only girl being from a rich family, her wedding was little bit more in the spotlight as compared to the elder two

But this wedding was on another level, a businessman's sons and a politician's daughters were getting tied in a holy matrimony, it was bound to be lavish and otherworldly

Reporters were swarming the venue but only few reputed and well known reporting channels reporters were allowed inside the wedding and allowed record and give reports about the wedding

Rest other reporters can only stand outside and gather whatever information they can

As it was the politician we were talking about, everyone was thoroughly checked before letting them inside the grand mansion of Lakshman Rajvansh, the father of the brides

All the Raghuvanshi are inside the venue already clicking pictures with their soon-to-be relatives and mingling with each other, the only person missing here is Shlok, the so called husband of Meera

While the other two brothers, Hriday and Agasthya, were mingling with other businessman and other well known people present in there

While Shaurya is also mingling with his other rich friends, as he is still in his last year of getting his masters degree in business, he has quite a following, who wants to use his status as a way to improve theirs, because obviously if they befriend the son of one of the richest businessman and brother of men who are currently ruling over the most of the industries, then surely it will help their status

Vedika was also talking with her family, and her friends who were there with her previously

While Meera and Aadhya were the only one standing in a corner, completely awkward and totally out of this place, a place which belongs to these snobby and overly rich people

But they weren't bored, over the course of time with being together in their martial house, for more than 3 years, they both have grown a liking towards one another and one thing is they can connect with each other in that house, because they are very similar in many ways

They befriended each other pretty quickly as they didn't had anyone to talk to, and it was better than to bore themselves in that big ass mansion

While with Vedika it was a little different, as she has arrived new in the home, only one years has passed, so she just knew them and respected the two ladies, she didn't had such a great bond and it didn't looked like she needed them as their mother in law is always there with her to talk

Even though the other two decided to ignore that they could clearly see their mother in law's partiality

"I am hungry" Aadhya whined, yes she behaves childishly infront of  Meera because she admits that Meera is like a big sister to her and she can be her true self infront her

"I know my big baby but we can't eat before the marriage takes place and half an hour is still left before the wedding gets started" Meera said, while patting Aadhya's back sympathetically

Aadhya haven't eaten anything from afternoon because she had make sure everything was ready for the wedding and she was getting dizzy now

She drank water but now she could feel herself getting hungry and only food can treat her dizziness

But she tried to keep herself steady and look straight ahead, seeing the marriage taking place, and making herself force to stand in these 3 inch torture heels

But now as she was feeling extra dizzy, she tried to move toward a wall or something for support, as she can't call anybody, because Meera is doing her duties of being the eldest daughter in law while Vedika, Aadhya doesn't even know where is she

Suddenly a wave of dizziness hit her hard and before she could make herself stable, she felt that she couldn't hold herself anymore and preparing for the fall, she closed her eyes

But that fall never came, feeling a hand around her waist, she quickly opened her eyes and came face to face with........

None other than her own husband, after seeing that it was him who saved her, she quickly moved away from him like he burned her

Seeing his emotionless face, Aadhya was disheartened, how can one be so emotionless even after seeing your own wife, that was the only thought of hers, seeing him can like this nobody can say that this same man makes his wife scream in bed

Yes they both have already slept together and if you are thinking why they still don't have a kid then that's because it was Aadhya who demanded when they first had s*x, it should be always protected and she always takes pills if someday her husband dearest doesn't want it that way

The reason of Aadhya for not having kid was simple, if they have no love then she doesn't want to raise her kids in this environment

In between all this she did not even noticed that her husband has went and brought a plate full of food for her and she only noticed it when he brought it just before her eyes

Following the hand which was holding the plate full of food she slowly looked upto him and stared at his face, as if silently asking, are you possessed or something? Because the Hriday she knew would never do this

"Just eat it, I don't want any chaos in my brothers wedding just because of you fainting"

"But I can't eat till the whole marriage is over, Maa won't like that" she reasoned back, looking back to where the wedding was happening, few of the last rituals was going on and it would hardly take fifteen minutes to get over

And now without waiting for Aadhya to say anything, Hriday picked up a piece of gulab jamun through the spoon and stuffed it into her mouth

Thankfully everyone were focused on the wedding and nobody noticed him doing this, Aadhya gasped with her mouth full and looked at him in accusing manner, and with a fierce glare

Hriday just ignored her kitten like glares and stuffed the plate into her hands while leaning forward to whisper in her ears

"I want my wife to have strength and energy to bear everything that will happen tonight" and with that he left Aadhya with a confused mind, and it took her whole two minutes to understand his words and she cursed him in her mind

What has gotten into her husband, is she possessed by a devil or what? He isn't what he was a few days back, who didn't even cared about her

Maybe it's in their blood to always act weird and confuse everyone with their acts, Aadhya shrugged not taking his previous words seriously

And stuffed her face with more foods, with people cheering behind her, indicating the end  of this lavish wedding and two addition of two more person is done

And now two more people who will know the harsh and ugly reality of these Raghuvanshi's and that not always which is shown on the outside is always the best thing...

Haash! Let's just eat and pray for the best for now.....

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Not feeling well!!!!

Signing off-

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