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In the burgeoning dawn of genetic marvels, there emerged a dream made tangible by the indomitable spirit and ambition of one man: John Hammond. It was an epoch of wonder as Jurassic Park opened its gates, unveiling not mere illusions but flesh and blood dinosaurs, resurrected through the ancient alchemy of DNA. The world watched in awe as extinct behemoths reclaimed life, strolling through Hammond's carefully crafted paradise.

For years in the effervescent cocktail of the '90s, guests from every corner of the globe flocked to see these prehistoric titans. Jurassic Park was more than a zoo; it was a bridge across eons, a place where time folded upon itself allowing human eyes to witness a past long since surrendered to geology and tales.

However, as leaves of years turned and whispers of the park's dangers began to circulate, so too did the park's fortunes wane. Admissions slowed, revenues faltered, and murmurs rumbled among shareholders like distant thunder. In his amber-hued office, Hammond's once unwavering gaze drifted towards weary resignation.

In solitude he contemplated—not just the fate of his life's greatest work but that which hinged on ethics & survival itself. The world held its breath; it was decision's hour for Hammond—close Jurassic Park forever or sell to new custodians poised at history's threshold?


John Hammond, the mysterious tycoon, sat in the Visitor Center boardroom, flanked by his legal squad and business gurus. Sporting a head full of silver locks and a dashing pinstriped suit, he oozed success and charisma. His aura was magnetic, his cool confidence and charm pulling you in, begging for more. Facing a tough dilemma, torn between selling his cherished park or watching it fade away, his heart ached with sorrow and anger. The pressure was on to make the ultimate call, no matter how gut-wrenching it might turn out to be.

In the somber confines of the executive room, a heavy silence reigned as Vice President Hank McCoy solemnly acknowledged the inevitable. "It's over, John," he said, the weight of the situation pressing down upon his shoulders.

John Hammond's eyes burned with a fervent denial. "It's not over! We still have a chance!" His voice echoed with a mixture of hope and desperation.

From across the polished mahogany table, a few board members exchanged concerned glances before one of them mustered the courage to speak up. "Sir, if you don't take action, you are going to lose the park," he warned. The gravity of his words hung in the air like a thick fog.

Hammond slammed his fist down on the table, defiance etched on every line of his face. "No, I will not lose the park! I've worked too hard and have too much on the line to just let it slip away. I refuse to give up!"

Another board member interjected, her voice steady but filled with regret. "John, we're trying to tell you that it's over. The financial well is dry – you're bankrupt and can't keep the park open. Between dwindling ticket sales, mounting employee wages, and skyrocketing park expenses, your funds have dissipated." She sighed before continuing, "Even local government measures are arrayed against you."