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Draco- "where the hell have you been?"

Ravanna- "with Voldemort" I say not caring who heard on the table but made sure to say it so that my newer friends heard it with a few outsiders to scare them

Draco- "WHAT!"

Blaise- "he said he was with voldemort love"

Draco- he rolled his eyes "yes I heard that but what I am concerned how he is alright and in one piece, from what I know my dad used to come back from meetings with bruises and in pain at times especially when he did something wrong, which is usually he did nothing that's the problems he did nothing even though still trying to get the Minister on his side and having the dark lord at our place"

Ravanna- "because I made the dark lord kneel"

Draco- "WHAT!"

Blaise- "he said that he..." he got a finger put on his lip in a shhh gesture making him smile down at his cute Boyfriend getting all angry and annoyed at him

Draco- he makes a growl like noise in frustration "I heard what he said, you don't need to repeat it again" he then looks back at Ravanna "like I said 'what' because how the hell did you do that, don't mind my forbidden muggle language of the word hell, it is used very well even though I grew up to not like muggles even though there techincally been born because they have blood from their grandparents, great grandparents or great great grandparents, or great great great Grandparents or great, I'm just kidding, you get it, they come from purebloods who had children that where born with barely any magic or no magic at all, squibs but they do have some clothing brands the rich of course expensive kind as well as some of there words, like motherfucker or you fucking bitch, I am going to have to give them a clap to them because..."

Blaise- "Draco your getting off track again"

Draco- he blinks "what was I on about again?"

Blaise- "you was on about...." cut off again

Draco- "oh yeah, how did you get the dark lord to kneel"

Ravanna- "oh I got everyone in the room to kneel including you family, to prove a point that I could easily control them all and not to cross me, oh and some dude died trying to escape, don't worry none of you are related to him, just some dirt bag loser, who was a right incel but didn't show it but his thoughts certainly showed it"

Draco- "well your magical inheritance did have a number, so why am I shocked"

Blaise- "yeah why are you shocked"

Draco- "shush you or you ain't getting this" indicating towards his body, finger pointing up and down

Blaise- "sure darling only for you and that fine ass"

Draco- rolls eyes "oh please, you are so embarssing"

Blaise- "says you, your more embarrassing than me"

Draco- "no I am not, you ar...." he got kissed by blaise, which turned into a make out with Ravanna say he was leaving, getting up and disappearing. When blaise pulled away with people gawking in shock and someone shouting at him being gay and with Blaise well they said Zabini but all he could do was looking into Blaises eyes "okay I am more embarrassing out of the two of us"



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