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I barged into his classroom locking the door behind me and waving my hands putting spells around the room

"powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood. where would you look if I told you to find me a bezoar. And What is the difference, Potter, between monkshood and wolfsbane. Meaning - my regrets follow you to the grave, wormwood meaning absence as well as symbolising bitter sorrow. All together you meant about that particular question mainly, I bitterly regret lily's death"

Severus- this boy is confusing me how does he know about Potter first potion less, unless the others told him "what is it that the reason why you are here Mr Morningstar other than recreating a memory of when Potter unfortunately came to hogwarts"

Ravanna- "he was free here you know, from his uncle hands, what that man did was horrible, atleast he didn't rape him, well he nearly did but his aunt luckily mysteriously would come into the room or distract the man"

Severus- "lies"

Ravanna- I wave my hand making the memory appear before us "lies you say"

Severus- "why didn't he tell anyone?"

Ravanna- "I tried, and tried, and tried over and over again to but no one ever believed my aunt would say I was a troubled child, that I went to a school of horrible kids especially when I came back from here, even ran away and was brought back by a very old man which turned out later on was Dumbledore, I told him everything, he knew and still sent me back there"

Severus- it was all clicking "why have you been hiding as Mr Morningstar"

Ravanna- "turns out lily and James Potter weren't my parents after all, I truly know who my parents are but no one can find out especially the secretly that lay between the gaps about me and who my parents as, what they did. They were sad, my mother left someone and had a one night stand with another lonely man who lost his wife many years ago, they were sad and depressed. They had a lovely night together. But unfortunately my mother went back to her abusive husband, which they were planning on getting a divorce, so no cheating techincally was involved. My mother than found out she was pregnant, a month before she had me. She died during child birth and her husband found out and took it out on his child and lied about how said child mother died. I luckily was already taken away before my step father could of seen me. As for my real father, he didn't know of my existence"

Severus- "you was taken away by the Potter weren't you?"

Ravanna- "James could have children because of an accident during his school years. They knew that I was a dark wizard and wanted me on a lighter path, they adopted me when Dumbledore give me to them, as a late gift for there wedding that happened a month ago. They didn't know I was going to be a propecy child, but no I wasn't taken away from the place by Dumbledore and the Potters. Let's just say I don't remember anything before the Potters. I am alot older than I look and everything, I was born in 1972 for crying out loud, I am supposed to be an adult yet I only have 16 years of my life that I have a memory of not the other either years that are added. And said 16 years ago, for some unknown reason I was a baby instead of a eight year old, so god knows what truly happened to me"

Severus- "why you hiding who your real parents are?"

Ravanna- "I have siblings, half siblings who are within this world, they will hate me, hate me for who I am, that on of them well their father did it with a women who was disowned from her family and the other well I killed their mother at birth, that they think their mother died another way, so a lie this whole time, I don't want to ruin everything, I need to focus if what is to happen instead of causing a problem with my real family"

Severus- "but you could have a happy loving family"

Ravanna- "but I could make things better without causing a problem for these individuals and their family including their children, well child"

Severus- "so you know their child"

Ravanna- "I am in the same year as my nephew, of course I know who one of older siblings child, which I noticed I have said too much now"

Severus- he thinks leaning back onto the desk "the bright blonde hair, gives it away"

Ravanna- I roll my eyes "obviously"

Severus- "my nephew, Draco Malfoy"

Ravanna- "yes, now I feel stupid for saying so much"

Severus- "don't worry your secret is with me, plus I am not sure if lucius will be either be fuming or happy, I think the first one"

Ravanna- "thank you, Professor Snape"

Severus- "now to the reason why you are here originally, obviously you want something or need help with something"

Ravanna- I read his mind "gross keep that thought to yourself, remember lucius is my brother, which he will definitely mention the half part but don't you see him like a brother, making us basically family" which we are unfortunately, I had a few thoughts once which now I regret, let's just say involving naughty detentions unfortunately found out the person involved was my brother "I basically need help, with the dark side, I need information but I also need to get into said place, aka my brother manner but of course their is a plan on how its all going to happen"

Severus- he crosses his arms "go ahead"

Ravanna- "so....."



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