Spitfire in Love (Rant)

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TW: bathroom humor??

Book: Spitfire in Love

Author: Isabelle Ronin

Reads: 25.9m

Synopsis: Kara is the "feisty" bad girl. Cameron is the hot-headed bad boy. When fate brings them together, they pretty much just have a romance and blah, blah, blah...

*This is another one that is now a paid story. In fact, it actually got turned into a paid story while I was reading it, and that's what caused me to abandon it (lucky me). For that reason, this rant is only based on the first few chapters of the story.


It had potential. From what I've read in the description of the story, the plot doesn't seem half bad. From the few chapters I got to read, I could tell the story was proofread, and the chapters were decently interesting, too.

Despite Kara being one of my least favorite archetypes (I'll get to that in a minute), she seems like a very well-fleshed out character. The same thing kind of goes for Cameron too, even though I can't stand him (hold your horsies, we're not even at the rant part yet).


Kara and Cameron's personalities are INSANELY cliché. This is the book that inspired the "Bad Boy" and the "Bad Girl" parts of my "Clichéd Characters" series waaay back in the day, believe it or not. I get so tired of the "feisty bad girl" stereotype. It's like, why can't female book characters be tough without being feisty?? And then there's Cameron; he is the ultimate bad boy, which brings me to my second point:

Cameron is unlikable. I don't like to use this term a lot cause it's kind of a buzzword, but Cameron just oozes toxic masculinity. Bad boys can be hot, I won't lie, but I don't like when guys are so high strung and have such poorly managed anger that it just ruins their entire character. Anyway, I've discussed this whole thing already. Go back and read "Clichéd Characters: The Bad Boy" if you haven't already.

Now for the moment we've been waiting for: the BIGGEST reason why I hate this book so much: the crap scene (TW?). I remember this scene so vividly. It happens in one of the first chapters. Basically Kara is lactose intolerant, but she eats a lasagna for lunch. After lunch she goes to class and has a meet-cute with Cameron, but before Cameron can make a move or something, she's gone, and you know what she's doing? She's making a beeline to the bathroom because she's about to have explosive diarrhea (the TW wasn't for nothing, I swear).

I'll try to summarize the next part of the story in as little detail as possible so as not to scar you for life, so here goes nothing:

Because all of the other bathrooms are crowded, Kara has to go to the third floor bathroom, which apparently is infamous for couples going there to hook up. While Kara is in the stall, and Isabelle Ronin is explaining Kara's predicament in painstaking detail, a couple comes into the restroom to hook up. While they're getting hot and heavy, Kara accidentally cuts the cheese and the couple gets scared off. When she comes out of the bathroom, she finds the guy from earlier (a.k.a. Cameron) waiting outside, and she realizes that he was the one who went into the bathroom to hook up, and he knows exactly what she had been up to in there. Gross.

I'm ashamed for writing this.

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