I love how characters in Wattpad books fight

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Okay, this one should warrant an example (if ya know what I mean).

This one is all over Wattpad, although I've also had the displeasure of seeing it many a time in library books. 

Basically, it's when two characters, one of them being the main character, get into an argument, and supposedly it's really heated, but as a reader, you have no idea what's going on because the author didn't clue you in enough or is trying too hard to create drama from thin air, so it just feels like the characters are fighting and being really mean for no reason. It always makes me really dislike the main character.

Example time:

I sat at the lunch table, a few seats down from Eric, the new kid.

"Hey Janine, do you want a half of my sandwich?" Eric asked me. He has some nerve. 

"How dare you Eric," I spat. "How dare you assume that just because I'm a woman that I need your food. I'm not some sort of charity." I gave him the nastiest scowl. 

"I was just trying to be nice. You don't have to be a b**** about it..." Eric replied. The audacity. 

I stood up, infuriated. "Just because you I asked you for help on one math problem last period doesn't mean you have free reign to do whatever you want to me. And that's so rude of you to call me a b****!" I yelled, ready to take my lunch tray to another table. He's lucky I have the sense not to throw it at him.

But that piece of s*** Eric wasn't ready to back down yet. "I called you a b**** because you're being a b****.  I can't believe I was willing to give you half of my sandwich. Remind me, why the hell are you the main character of this story again if you're so freakin' unlikeable??" 

End of Example

Sure, my examples might be exaggerated, but I personally don't think they're too far off from some of the things I've seen. And it's always when a guy character does some mundane thing and the girl MC totally flips out about it. And although I'll admit that it was appropriate for Eric to call Janine a b****, why did Janine freak out about a sandwich???

Moral of the story: don't let your main characters freak out about a sandwich.

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