-Chapter 4-

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The three friends' mouths hang wide open as they stand inside the same cafe that they found the day of Kait's return. Only now have they just been told the shocking news as Kait smiles nervously, a cup of water in hand as her friends look at her as if she lost her mind.
"You're joking right? This is just some big joke to try to cheer Andrea up, because I can't see any reason as to why you would buy this place..." Maddie, finally finding her voice, looks around the bright cafe, her voice hesitant as she tries to be supportive but also realistic about this situation. Kait's posture sinks slightly, her anxiety palpable at this point as Maddie voices her displeasure of her friend's latest splurge.
"I think this is better than what she bought last time." Kait flushes as she is reminded of her last stress buy, it wasn't her fault that the tiger cub was so cheap, who knew it was illegal to have one as a pet.
"Hey, Delta was cute, it's not Kait's fault that our stupid state doesn't allow us to have tigers as pets." Maddie looks at her three friends, unable to believe that she's the youngest as Andrea and Znhyia congratulate Kait on her purchase. Kait smiles and looks towards Maddie and her friends, quickly she explains how she had found the cafe a week before she had left, the owners just happened to be in there and recognized Kait. Their granddaughter being a huge fan of her books they had asked for an autograph, after talking for a while it was brought up that they had bought the cafe but decided that it was just too much work for them.
"So, that's when I asked how much they wanted for it, they said a price and I agreed, I just finished signing the papers when the hospital called." Maddie sighs, looking around the cafe she can't help but feel as if she's being watched but as quick as the feeling came it disappeared. Shaking it off she quickly returns to the topic at hand, still unsure if she should condone this latest purchase, no doubt a stress buy. Kait has a habit of making purchases whenever she's stressed, which thankfully is only when she's close to her deadline.
"I'm still a little unsure about this but if you're happy with it then I guess that's all that matters... Just please change the color scheme." Everyone laughs and the mood lights drastically as they discuss paint colors while the staff look on with content as their new boss and friends enjoy the cool air conditioned cafe.

"So, are we going to talk about it?" Andrea fidgets as the girls walk up to their front door, Znhyia leading them as she reaches in her pocket for the keys. Kait shoots Znhyia a look silencing her immediately before glancing towards their nosy neighbors window.
"Not outside no, what needs to be addressed will be addressed inside." Znhyia sighs, knowing Kait is right she remains quiet, while she grabs the door handle. Just as she is about to unlock it the handle surprisingly turns with ease, shocked by this Znhyia looks back at her friends.
"Did you come home yesterday?" Kait shakes her head. "No, I went to the store. Remember, I didn't see the point of coming home as we were only there for a day and a half." Znhyia furrows her eyebrows but just shakes it off as her forgetting to lock the door due to her and Maddie's worry. After assessing everything the girls deem it safe, the house feels empty and yet full at the same time as Eclipse, Celeste and Gemini meow for attention.
Kait wastes no time in plucking Eclipse off the ground and bringing her to the couch, with Celeste and Gemini of course on her heels. "Sol will be dropped off in a hour or two then we'll be complete!" Kait coo's softly to her pets while Maddie heads to the kitchen in search of some drinks while Znhyia steers Andrea to the couch, finally unable to hold back the questions she's had on her mind since the first night in the hospital.
"Andrea...what happened exactly?" Kait sighs but doesn't say anything as her phone rings, she rolls her eyes and excuses herself heading towards the stairs. Maddie shakes her head as she reappears, four bottles of water in hand, humming happily to herself, that is until she sees the situation.
"You couldn't wait for me whore?" Znhyia shrugs and rolls her eyes upward. "Just like Laura couldn't wait two days, but that's besides the point. Right now we're discussing how the fuck Andrea ended up at the pier." Andrea looks down at her hands, clearly uncomfortable while Maddie and Znhyia continue to bicker back and forth, thankfully Gemini tunes into the thickening atmosphere and gracefully strolls over to lay on Andrea's lap, although Gemini is shy he likes Andrea, of course he still has his moments and can often be found hiding in Kaits room sometimes he'll venture into Andrea's room and relax with her. Purring softly Gemini relaxes with Andrea which calms Andrea down almost instantly as she begins to run her fingers through his soft fur.
"I can't explain everything, at least not right now. All I'll say is that I'm done being controlled by him." Maddie and Znhyia look from each other to Andrea before both breaking into a smile, grabbing Andrea as well as sending Gemini running up the stairs the three girls hug one another and after a few seconds Kait comes down the stairs, without saying anything she joins the group and they all stay like that, for seconds, minutes maybe even hours but to them it was as if time stopped moving and all was okay with the world.

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