14| Who is this?

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"Hello?" I said, answering a call from Amy.

"Good Afternoon. Is this Nikolina Newton?" someone who is not Amy, asked.

"I go by Nicky. Who is this?"

"Hi, Nicky. This is Amelia Miller's doctor, Dr.Rose, from Clear Side Hospital."

"What? What the hell is going on? Is Amy okay?" I immediately snapped, not knowing what was going on.

"Amelia has suffered two gunshot wounds. She is currently stable, but in the ICU. We're waiting for her to wake up."

"H-Holy shit." I said, in shock, starting to shake.

"When she regained consciousness for a brief moment she kept asking for you. Luckily, we found you in her emergency contacts list. If you could come down to the hospital to discuss her conditions, that would be helpful." the kind doctor explained.

"O-Okay, thank you." I stuttered, feeling my body tremble and my voice quiver.

I quickly hopped out of my bed with nothing but an old t-shirt on. I ran to my closet, slipping on the first pair of shoes I could find and a pair of sweatpants. Lastly, I grabbed my keys and got to my car as fast as I could while calling Jess and telling her to meet me there.

In the moment I couldn't even take a moment to think about the news I had received. If I really thought about it, I knew I'd break down.

If I lose Amy, I won't ever recover.

I've never loved anyone as much as I love her and losing her, would mean losing my world.

I pulled up to the hospital to see Jess getting out of her car. She had mascara pouring down her face and missed match shoes on.

"Nicky." she let out a breath, grabbing my arm.

"I know." I looked over at her, only for a second because I didn't want to cry.

As we walked into the small hospital, I recognized the biggest bastard of them all.


I knew his bitch ass had something to do with this. He will be dealt with later.

"We're here for Amelia Miller." I said, with great urgency, to the woman at the front desk.

"Okay. Relationship to the patient?" she asked me.

"I'm her wife." I said, while looking Damon in the eyes.

I lied so that they'd let me see her, but the look on Damon's face was priceless.

"And you?" the lady asked Jess.

"I-I'm her sister." Jess also lied while barely being able to form a sentence.

"Room 214"

"Thank you." I said, practically speed walking to the room.

I was proud of the way I was able to hold it together. However, the walk to the room was so treacherous. I felt like my lungs had one thousand pound weights sitting on top of them.

When we finally reached the room, Jess was behind me and I immediately pushed the door open.

"Holy fucking shit." I said, clutching my chest.

"Oh my god." Jess said from behind me.

This has to be the worst feeling in this whole fucked up world.

My heart pounded and my legs trembled. My skin was ice cold, however I felt hot tears streaming down my face as soon as I saw her laying there.

My baby. She looked horrible and lifeless.

"I'm gonna find out who the fuck did this to her." I whisper yelled before storming out of the room.

"Nicky, no!" I heard Jess yell after me as I stormed away.

I found myself in the waiting room before grabbing Damon by his collar and dragging him outside.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" I yelled at him.

"Excuse me?" he played dumb.

"What the fuck happened to her?" I questioned, steam poured from my ears and tears streamed down my face.

"She was shot, Nicky."

"Oh really Playboy? I had no fucking idea?"

"Listen, my guys think they know who did it. There's only one person who would want Amy dead. I know you're upset, but you can't take it out on me." he explained, putting his hands up in self defense.

"Who the fuck, would want my Aims to be dead? Huh? She's the sweetest girl on the fucking planet! Do you get that?"

"Yes, I-"

"No. No, I don't think you do! She's my world, okay? You mean nothing to her. I don't even know why you're here if I'm being honest!"

"No, Nicky. You mean nothing to her." he retorted.

"She's been spending time with me. Not you! It's not my fault that she got shot!" he continued.

"You know what, asshole, you've ruined her. She lost her job because of you, cried in my arms because of you and now she could die all because of you." I yelled in his pathetic face.

"I mean, what the fuck? How did you let her get fucking shot? Who the hell would want Amelia Miller dead?" I questioned.

"My ex. My psycho ex-girlfriend, Gabriella. She recently got out of prison and found out about Amy. She's been stalking us ever since. Now, my guys and I have reason to believe that she wants Amy dead."

"Are you kidding me?" I laughed angrily.

"You knew that some twisted, psychotic bitch wanted to killed Amy and you continued to see her?"

"No, it's not like that."

"Really?" I pushed him, causing him to stumble backwards a little bit.

"It seems a lot like that Damon. You're a fucking idiot." I laughed in his face, yet again.

"If she dies because of this, I will come for you and all of your fucking guys. I will have you ex-girlfriends head on a stick and make you wish you were dead. Don't even think about taking my girl out on another date. You're done with her. Forever." I said, in a low, calm tone while flashing the pistol in my waistband and keeping eye contact with him.

As I stepped away I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

Jess(ica) 🏳️‍🌈
Where the hell are you?

I sent her a text back saying I'd be back in a minute and that I had to handle something.

1030 words 🫢

A/N- Oh shit?! That was a lot to unpack....What are our thoughts?

Nicky with a gun???

Do we like protective Nicky?

Is Amy gonna wake up? I mean, she has to. Right?

Is Damon really gonna stay away for good?

Don't forget, you can ask me anything in the comments! You can criticize, critique, give your opinions. I don't care! Just comment and vote please!!

Continue reading "My Point" for the answers to your burning questions.

love, defnottb ❤️‍🔥

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