15| Nikolai Romanov

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        Aims still hasn't woken up yet. It's been 8 days and It's taken a serious toll on Jess and I.

       Yesterday, Jess practically pulled me away from Amy's side and forced me to go home and shower.

       I did go home like she told me too. I even showered and ate something. However, when I was looking for something to wear, I coincidentally found one of Amy's hoodies.

       After we broke up, we remained friends. Best friends. So, anything that we had, that belonged to one another, we kept.

       If Amy had one of my leather jackets, I knew where to go if I wanted it back. Although she wanted to keep it for herself.

"Nicky." Jess called out.

"Huh?" I quietly answered her, stuck in my own thoughts.

"She's gonna be okay." she looked at me with sincerity.

"Yeah...yeah, I know."

       Despite what I said, I'm scared shitless. Why isn't she awake yet? If she doesn't come back to me I'm afraid of what things will be like. I could lose myself. I could lose my mind. I could lose control.

I can't lose her.

"I'm gonna go home for a little while, I've had enough of this hospital air. I'll see you later, Nicky."

"Alright, bye Jess." I said, in a raspy, quiet voice while laying my head on the bed where Amy laid.

       For a few minutes I just sat there and talked to Amy, hoping that she could hear me. All of the sudden my stomach let out a loud, hunger stricken growl.

Damn, I haven't eaten today.

       I kissed Amy on the forehead and left the room to find a vending machine or any source of food.

"Hello Mrs.Nichols." a nurse greeted me as I passed her in the hallway.

"Hello." I greeted her with a smile.

        The nurses and doctors that take care of Amy know me by now. I've been by Amy's side, any and every chance I get. She's been there for me, even without knowing it. So, I'll be here for her right now, even if she's not aware.

Finally, I reached the main office. When I entered, I noticed someone who wasn't supposed to be here. Douchebag Damon.

"The fuck are you doing here?" I walked up to him and asked, shamelessly.

"I'm here to visit Amelia. I'm allowed to do that."

"The hell you are! I told you to stay the hell away." I said through gritted teeth, flashing the pistol in my waistband, yet again.

        Don't get my wrong, I don't just go flashing my gun to everyone. I know how to keep things on the down low. I have connections.

"Shit, okay." he said, raising his hands in defense.

       I knew he probably wouldn't listen and would come back when he thought I was gone. It's time to call my connections.

"Hello, Nikolai Romanov please." I said to my dad's secretary.

"I'm connecting you right now Nicky." she said, recognizing my voice.

       My biological father is Nikolai Romanov. He was, and still is a fucking gangster.

       Nikolai Viktorovich Romanov, was born on October 27, 1973 in Russia.

       He had three siblings, Dmitriy, Pavel and Anastasia. Sadly, they passed away in an accidental house fire as children, along with their mother, Galina Romanov.

       My father and his father, Viktor, were the only two to make it out.

       A few years later, my father found out that the fire was anything but accidental.

       My grandfather was the underboss of the Russian mafia. Later on, he became the Don. He made many enemies during his time in the mafia.

       The Spanish Mafia and the Russian mafia had an agreement.

       They formed a "Marriage Contract." Basically, a high profile, strong, Russian mafia member was set to marry the princess of the Spanish mafia.

        Due to this agreement, all prior problems, disagreements and grudges between the two mafia groups had to be dropped. However, the Spanish didn't exactly follow through.

       The Spanish Mafia's Princess was killed. They, for whatever reasons blamed it on the Russians. Now, because of this, they went for the closest thing to the Don of the Russian mafia.

        The "accidental" fire turned out to be a declaration of war. The Spanish set my grandfathers house on fire.

        Later on, after the war had been declared, my grandfather, Viktor, was shot and killed. This event left my dad to become the new don of the Russian Mafia.

       In the 90s and still to this day, he was feared by any and everybody. He walked the streets and people ran the other way. Nobody even looked in his direction.

       Now, while still leading the mafia in Russia, he moved to New York.

       In New York he created another gang. They were called (смертоносные кобры) The Lethal Cobras.

        Amongst all of this, the Spanish vs. Russian mafia was still a big issue. My father had the power to stop this.

        Right before his father died, he was set to be in an arranged marriage to form another marriage agreement. However, my mother, Martha Newton, was on vacation in Russia where he met her. My parents fell in love and the marriage agreement was the last thing on his mind.

        Now, since my parents have divorced, my dad resides in New York and travels back and forth to Russia.

"(папа) Dad." I said, once I was connected to his line.

"(привет моя дочь) Hello my daughter." he said, followed by a cough. I could smell his cigar through the phone.

"папа, I need to call in a favor."

929 words 🤭

A/N- What a fucking plot twist!!! I'm so excited to continue this story with a new story line!! Also, I changed the cover of this story (it's a pic of me lol). I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

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Love, defnottb 💞

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