When Doves Cry.

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2 and a half weeks later.
When Doves Cry by Prince.

      "Oh Tami be serious, how does this look?" I did a little spin in the dress as she gave me a side eye. I was  out shopping for dresses for the Winter Exhibition and Tami decided to tag along. She's been no help by playing a game on her phone like a damn IPad kid.

I walked up to her and grabbed her phone running back into the dressing room. This girl had to run track because she was on my ass. Closing the door and locking it I began to laugh my ass off. "Blair I was just about to beat my high scoreeee." She complained as I smacked my lips.

         "T, I thought you came along to help. Not play subway surfers. Lame ass." I giggled then took off the dress to try on the last one. It was white silk casual off the shoulders dress that went down to my thighs. I finally walked out as Tami was sitting on a bench playing with her fingers. When she looked up the awe in her face caused me to blush. "Woah." She leaned back as I looked in the big mirror admiring the dress. "Yeah, this is the one." I softly said.

We had brought the dress and shoes, so after we decided to go get a pizza. "So have you written anything new?" I asked her. Tami was in the school for music and boy she was talented. She has that mixture of Sza and Koffee feel to her and I absolutely loved it. "Yeah I've been working on something new. I have a melody in my head that I need to get out." She proclaimed.

"How've you been feeling since the whole..thing." She asked. I twiddled my fingers as we stopped at a ledge.

"I miss her but I have to move on. It's almost been a month and I don't understand why I'm still not over it but Everything is everything you know?" I closed my eyes and let the breeze flow through my hair. "Plus I start at Monkeypaw in a couple of weeks so my focus is there."
        Play Song.

     We had made it back to campus after getting a pizza for tonight. Of course the plan was to just chill but Tami wanted to go to this house party but I wasn't in the mood to even go anywhere. "Hey I'm gonna run to the library to get some new books." She nodded and with that we parted ways. My hands were stuffed in my leather-man as I walked to my safe space. When I made it in the first person I saw was the last person I wanted to see. I rolled my eyes and walked past her as she followed me.

     "Hey Blair could I- could we talk?" Eva lowly said playing with her fingers. I turned around and looked in her face. She had that same look Tish had.. guilt. "What, wassup Blair." I sighed.

        "I just want to apologize for how inappropriate I've been. Seeing Tish with someone else after we were together for so long. Seeing her happy with someone else? Was the hardest pill I had to swallow. When you walked in the other night, it was all me. So if you're gonna be mad at anyone..let it be me and not her because truthfully, she deserves you." Her voice cracked as we stood in silence.

    This whole time I blamed her when it wasn't her fault. Creating scenarios that doesn't exist and breaking my own heart. I walked up to Eva and pulled her into a hug. She wrapped her arms around me while a few of her tears fell on my jacket. As I said in the beginning, I understand her in a sense. They were together for so long and she took accountability for what happened. When I pulled away I gave her a smile.

     Shit everyone makes mistakes in life right? But that doesn't make them bad people, it makes them human.

      "Hey don't beat yourself up alright? Let's just call it water under the bridge and keep it pushing." She gave me a soft smile before I began to walk out of the library. "Go get her chile!" Eva called out causing me to smile.

        It seems like the hallways and walkways were longer than usual before I made it back to our room. I just had to talk to her and see her. Once I made it I knocked on the door . No answer. Pulling out my key from my bag, I unlocked it to see nothing but my side of the room. I furrowed my eyebrows at her stuff being gone. I mean it was like no one was ever here but me. I pulled out my phone ruffling my hair as I dialed her number hearing it go straight to voicemail.

        "FUCK!" I gritted my teeth then closed my eyes.

    How the fuck could I be so damn dumb? I just lost the best thing to ever happen to me all because I was too stubborn to fucking listen. I dialed Dominique's number as she answered on the third ring.

        "Hey B, wassup." She was ruffling around while I sighed. "Hey, have you talked to Tish? I'm in our dorm and all of her shit is gone.." I asked pacing a little until I finally sat on her bed. Call me weird but the room still smelled just like her. "She didn't tell you? She left for filming yesterday." That sentence made my heart drop. I was too late.

    I couldn't do anything but sit in silence to realize that she was the one that got away. Maybe one day, we'll meet again and explain to each other what really happened. Maybe one day we'll finally understand but until then, as silly as it sounds, I'll be waiting.

           "I fucked up Dom. So bad." I covered my face in attempt to calm myself down.

short chapter.


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