I Want To Be Your Man.

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4 days later.
I Want To Be Your Man by Zapp & Roger.

"Alright class, for our first project you will be writing a short movie. I will not be making you present this assignment but I am expecting these to be completed in 2 weeks." Our professor ranted as I sat comfortably in my seat on my favorite row. I was hella excited for this assignment because of course I love acting but I also want to write my own movies. That's the main reason I'm here. Class soon came to an end as I began to gather my things to go to the library. Just as I was about to stand someone called my name.

"Hey, you're Blaze right?" It was Eva. I chuckled and stood up. "Blair baby girl." I was about to walk away until she called my name again. I turned around as she gave me a small smile.

"I hope there is nothing weird between us. I mean my girl is ya roommate and it would be uncomfortable to walk in on something like that." She said. Internally I was rolling on the ground laughing with every word that came out of her mouth. I hope she's not attempting to come to me as a woman because it's truthfully failing and there's nothing to check for. Plus the my girl thing was hilarious.

"You're fine? She's just my roommate. Nothing more, nothing less." I lied through my teeth. I'm not going to front, Tish is fly as hell in many ways and somethings she does are admirable but it's not like that. I finally had the opportunity to walk away from the uncomfortable situation and make it to my safe space. I was now reading 'The Couple Next Door' while sitting on one of the couches in the back of the library. I'm pretty sure none of the students even knows it's here.

      Reading has always been my way of distraction. Whenever my life gets confusing or crazy my best coping mechanism is picking up a book. Thankfully I'm only reading now to escape reality. "The Couple Next Door, B? At this point you're taking all of my books." I heard a smart ass British accent interrupt me. She sat down next to me getting comfortable while I lifted an eyebrow.

          "Oh Letitia please. Don't tell me you've read this one too?" I inquired as she held up 4 fingers. Damn I can't even blame her. The book is just that good.

    "Here what page are you on? Read it out loud." She laid her head on my lap without permission while I looked at her crazy for a second. "Just read Blair, always so damn mean." I placed a small smack on her forehead as she giggled. "Fine. Page 37." I began to read out loud and she listened. She made little comments whenever it got good or laughed at whatever parts she thought was funny.

       Time had passed and the sun had went down. We were still reading while I now had my book in one hand and the other one softly playing with her curls. We were both so caught up in the book that we didn't even realize the library was closing until the lights turned off. Tish sat up and covered her mouth as I widened my eyes.

         "We need to get out of here before security comes." Letitia said as we heard footsteps and keys. I got up grabbing my stuff as Tish grabbed my hand taking off. We dodged security and made it out without getting caught. We laughed at the fact that we actually got shut down on and plus our adrenaline was high. This wasn't on my bucket list but it honestly should've been. "And the book was just getting good!" She joked as we made it to our room. I unlocked it with my freehand then opened it so we could come in.

Play song.

   Once the door was closed, I noticed that we never stopped holding hands.

Your girl wouldn't like this." I tried to argue as she looked at my lips.

    "My ex." She corrected me.

     She looked at me as I focused on our hands. How they fit so perfectly with each other. The girl pulled me closer to her by using our intertwined hands so softly and naturally that it made me feel head over heels. My eyes went to hers while my arms wrapped around her shoulders. This time.. I didn't want to be interrupted and I damn sure didn't want to push her off.

       "Can I kiss you?" She asked in an angelic voice. I nodded my head and whispered please in attempt to relieve the tension in the air. I felt the pressure in my stomach and chest as her hand went to my waistline. She moved in slowly pressing her lip's against mine. Gosh I've had a couple of kisses in my lifetime but this one is at the top of the list. Our lips danced together in sync as I pulled her closer by the back of her head. She attempted to pull away but she shook her head and came back in. This time , it was more passionate as she lifted me up by my waist to sit me on the desk.

         I don't know how we got here and I have no idea why I feel the way I do but right now the only thing I could focus on was her. Finally, she pulled away rubbing the pad of her thumb over her bottom lip. Shit, that was hot.  "We shouldn't have done this." She looked into my eyes.

    "Why not?" I softly asked as she chuckled lowly.

  "I'm not gonna be able to stay away from you." I blushed at the words that left her mouth. At least it's in the air that the feeling is mutual. We're both just infatuated so do I really have anything to worry about? A kiss here and there wouldn't hurt.  "Then don't." I put my index finger in her chain to pull her back in as our lips connected for the second time tonight.

    Over the next couple of days I began to write my short movie. Well ideas for it at least because I have no clue what to write about. I had just left my last class of the day thanking god it was Friday. I was exiting the class when I bumped into someone."Hey ma, you been dodging me." It was Tami.

       "My bad T, I've just been busy with my assignments and stuff like that." I tried to convince her but she saw right through me.

              "If I'm making you uncomfortable or anything like that.. just let me know." She crossed her arms and leaned against the wall. Now I feel shitty. The whole reason I've been dodging her is because I've been so focused on other things and she doesn't deserve that."I think I'm only in the market for friends right now.." . I sighed then twiddled my thumbs looking at her. "I understand Blair." She chuckled then shook her head walking away. I tried calling her back but she wouldn't come back. Damn it.

     When I made it back to my room, the only thing I wanted to do was take a nap. Tish wasn't here which was odd but I thought nothing of it. I took a shower, changed and was now warming up some noodles to eat. While that was happening, she walked in and sat her shades on her desk. "Wassup geek." She taunted causing me to smack my lips.

    "Hi asshole." I took my noodles out of the microwave and stirred them up.  "I'm surprised you're not going to a party tonight." I said sitting my noodles down to grab my laptop and blanket.

        She pulled off her white tee leaving her in sweat-shorts and a sports bra. "Nah you're rubbing off on me. I was thinking about a movie night." She got her side together as I looked at her. Honestly that doesn't sound too bad to me. We used blankets and comforters to make a pallet on the floor and pillows to get comfortable.

             "Love And Basketball or Love Jones?" I asked once we were laying down.

    "Love Jones." She took my fork and ate some of my noodles as I smacked the back of her head causing her to laugh.


    After the fifth movie, my eyes started to get heavy. I was just about to close them until I felt her hand wrap around my waist and pull me in. Her sweet lavender smell filled my nose as I laid my head on her chest. "Goodnight T." She closed my laptop as my hand rested on her stomach.

       "Goodnight beautiful." She softly said before we drifted off to sleep.

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