Knockin' Da Boots.(R)

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4 and a half months later.
Knockin' Da Boots by Htown.

"Are you sure you're gonna be okay? Make sure you take your notebook and don't forget your breathing exercises." I expressed to Tish as she laughed packing up her suitcase. We were leaving for thanksgiving break and I know her relationship with her parents isn't great. In all honesty I didn't want to be away from her. "Baby im gonna be fine, alright?" She reminded me. I nodded my head in worry as I cupped her cheeks.

"You call me as soon as you land in London okay?" I pecked her lips as her eyes sparkled. "I'll see you later, my love." Her voice was soft while she walked out the door. My phone began to ring indicating my mom was here. I was hella excited to see her so I grabbed my things and left the room. When I made it to her car , she stood outside with a beautiful smile. "Hi momma." I hugged her tight as we swayed side to side.

"Oh my baby. Let's go home." We got in the car and was on our way.

In the car we had meaningful conversations of her life and mine. When my moms not ranting about pot, she's actually my best friend. "Somethings off about you." My mom started while I lifted an eyebrow. "Who is she?" Damn it, I'm caught. I wasn't quite ready to tell my mom about Letitia but it was bound to happen.

"Her name is Letitia and mom she's amazing. She's smart, she writes the most amazing poetry oh my gosh it sends you into orbit. And she's so beautiful. You would love her just as much as I do." My eyes widened. We pulled into the driveway as she looked at me parking. A smile danced on her face while she shook her head.

"Love is something huge. It's a connection we simply can't explain but it's a connection that needs to be taken serious. Don't 'love' too deeply until you know it's to the same depths. Plus it's too early to tell so take your time, Mina." She explained pushing my hair behind my ear.

Later that night.

          "Just show me, I need to see all of you B." Letitia groaned over the phone in a needy voice. Smacking my lips I got up and sat my phone up backing away. "There Tish, I'm in a oversized Tshirt." I exclaimed while she smiled over the phone.

   "Now turn around and bend overrrr." She growled goofily as I picked up the phone and shook my head. Her goofy ass could never be serious about anything. I flopped back down on my bed then got back under the covers setting my phone up as if she was next to me. "I miss you, wishing you were here." I whispered.

       She smiled cutting off her light and doing the same thing I did. "I miss you more, mama." She started. "Ooo guess what?" I lifted an eyebrow at her excited tone.

           "I sent my audition in for the movie." Before she even finished a scream left my mouth. She's been talking about this movie for months and she's been hesitant about sending in her audition video. "Oh baby, I'm so happy! You're gonna do so well." I basically screamed in excitement. Personally, I'm her biggest fan.

   "Thank you, thank you. When I get big we're gonna be living so great. I promise I'm gonna give you and my parents the life y'all deserve." I was looking at the wall as my mind went into deep thought. Her talking about the future and including me in it made my stomach tingle. I didn't know what to even say.

      Thanksgiving break came to an end and it was back to the normal schedule. When my mom dropped me off the only place I wanted to go was my dorm. I couldn't wait to see her face and lay in my twin sized bed. When I made it to my room I unlocked the door to flowers sitting on my bed with a note. I rolled my eyes in awe then placed my suitcase down to pick up the note and read it.

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