Caught Up In The Rapture.

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That Same Night.
Caught Up In The Rapture by Anita Baker.

The room was silent. Honestly I didn't know how to even respond to what she just said. Love? I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. She sat up as I sat up as well.

"Please say something.." She murmured.

"I appreciate you expressing your feelings. I really like you and I even care for you. But let's not rush something that doesn't need to be rushed. If we move too fast then it'll crash and burn and that's not what I want for either of us." I rambled as she sat there silently. She was in deep thought so I grabbed her hand while she placed her head on my shoulder. "I- I'm sorry , I hope I didn't make it weird or awkward. You just make me feel..heard man Like someone actually understands me. You make everything a little easier. Maybe I'm just pussy whipped." She said causing me to chuckle. "Oh shut up asshole." I smacked her forehead as she laughed.

      Honestly I appreciate her telling me how she feels. We're both just hopeless and romantic. "But don't ever be sorry for saying what you feel. Let's Just take baby steps."I laid back down as her head went back to my chest. Internally , I sighed of the thought of love. The thought of being able to fulfill that right now.

Play song.

The sun had rose and my alarm went off. When I fluttered my eyes open the first thing I noticed was Tish writing in her journal while taking small glances at me. "Morning geek." She cooed in an oversized tshirt. "Morning asshole." I stretched while Letitia smiled lightly. I didn't see her beauty as she sat there.. I felt it. As plain as she sun. She was made of magic that only I could see. Just so beautiful who sees beauty in everything. The only thing I could do at the moment was admire her.

She sat down her notebook and scooted closer to me as her hand slipped into mine. I shook my head while her eyes came to mine. I lifted my hand up to the back of her head as I scratched it slightly. "You're just so captivating." I whispered in a sleepy voice. She blushed while her face inched closer to mine for what we both wanted. Just as her lips were about to land on mine, my alarm went off again indicating I needed to get to class. I reached for my phone as she grabbed my other hand and pinned them above my head.

"Don't leave me hanging baby girl. Skip with me today, please?" She softly pleaded. I smirked at the thought of rebelling and glared at her.

"Hmm why should I skip with you? I mean what do I get from it?" I taunted until she moved her hand to pull the cover off of my chest then placed it back as she smirked. It was a moment of silence until she attacked me with kisses while my laughter filled the room.

Later that day.

"Ooo I love this!"I held up the Al green vinyl admiring it. Letitia was too distracted by Erykah Badu's Baduizm album to even focus. We were inside of a record store in town to just spend some time together plus my camera tagged along. I decided to get the record for my collection then walked over to her. Pulling out my camera, I decided to record her."And here we have The Letitia Wright. Tell everyone what your doing today asshole." I cooed as she picked up the album and held a fake microphone.

"Today we are admiring Ms.Badu's album. The classic On and On and Next Lifetime reside on this album so this? Timeless. And my beautiful lady is here with me? It's a dream come true, innit!" Her voice was full of enthusiasm causing me to giggle.

Whenever we left the record shop, we walked hand in hand to a art museum. I mean it was just beautiful. The collections were full of sculptures , paintings and decorative pieces that were to die for. There was just so much to look at. "Awe mama look at this one." She lead me over to a painting.

"This painting.. is beautiful." I nodded in agreement. It was named The Paris Lovers by Marilyn Dunlap and it was a sight to see.

We continued on as we began to have conversation about everything under the sun. She told me about her move from Guyana and how different movie's inspired her. I learned so much about her even when she was silent. From the way she tilts her head when she's interested to the slight twiddling of her fingers when she's talking. I learned that she writes poetry to express her emotions about certain subjects, how she's scared to fail and how downright loving she is. She admired a statue as I hugged her from behind swaying side to side slightly. Gosh I could stay like this forever.

"You gotta stop doing this to me B." She softly said while I lifted an eyebrow.

   "Doing what?" She chuckled then grabbed one of my hands and placed them on her heart. It raced as if she was nervous. As if my touch made her heart flutter. "That, my love." I blushed stuffing my face in her back.

The week had flew by as a new week began. I was currently walking out of my last class until professor Roberts stopped me. "Miss.Hathaway." He called my name as I nodded looking at him while pushing my book bag up. "I've been told that you want to try film directing and I've seen some of your work, you're talented young lady." His compliment made me feel great inside. Like I'm actually doing something right.

"Thank you Professor Roberts. I truly appreciate that." I humbly replied. He smiled and gave me a nod. "I have some connections at Monkeypaw productions and with your skills I could try to put in a word for you." My jaw dropped.

"Monkeypaw productions? Like Jordan Peele's pro-" I was too shocked. I mean I didn't even know what to say because This is all I've ever wanted.  "Here's the thing Miss.Hathaway, you have to show me your best directing skills before the end of this year." A smile danced on my face as I tried to hide my excitement. I thanked him a billion times before running out of the room to go to mine.

Directing and producing has been my dream since I was young. From Filming videos off of an android and editing them to writing short stories and getting my old friends to act them out. I've just always been passionate about not being in front of the screen but being behind the camera. Gosh this was something I've prayed for.

I had just made it to the room until the door was opened for me from the inside. It was Eva. What the hell was she doing here? She smirked lowly before exiting the room as Tish was standing there like a deer in headlights. I tried not to overthink it but damn I couldn't help it. I walked in closing the door as we stood face to face. She tried to find words to say and that was enough to let me know that something happened. Something that would possibly hurt my feelings.

"Wow." Was all I could say with a chuckle before putting down my bag and walking to the bed. "B wait I can explain why she was here." I shook my head then pulled out my phone. "Matter of fact Letitia.. you don't have to explain anything to me. I'm not your girl so I guess it's none of my business." Slight venom and ignorance was in my voice as I tried to convince her and myself that I wasn't butt hurt. She snatched my phone out of my hand while I gave her a bewildered look.

"Let me explain baby damn!" Her tone was somewhat loud.

"Fine, explain why your EX was in your room. Explain why the FUCK you have that guilty look on your face! I can't wait to hear it." I snapped at her unintentionally.

"She-..she wanted to talk about us. Yes she tried to come on to me but I swear it didn't get anywhere. me." She sat next to me as I looked at her. Her eyes had truth serum in them but something was off. I couldn't put my finger on it but I nodded in understanding. She grabbed my hand and kissed it softly.

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