Ascension (Don't Ever Wonder)

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Two weeks later.
Ascension (Dont Ever Wonder) by Maxwell.

    I was walking from my dorm to the library to grab new books. These last few weeks I've been reading my head off which is nothing new. My fingertips touched different books softly as my mind began to wander. The fact that all of these books are written by different people who have different ideas but share the same passion is something that raddled my brain. I finally made it to the romantic novels and found Honey and Spice but it was on the top shelf. Groaning lowly I jumped up and tried to reach for it but as always I epically failed.

          "At this point, go for the books on the bottom." The familiar voice taunted as I turned around and smiled. Tami stood there in a stripped sweatshirt and baggy jeans while I leaned on the shelf and shook my head. "Oh don't be a jackass T." She laughed and grabbed the book handing it to me then crossed her arms.

      "I'm glad I caught you because Look , I've been thinking about the whole friends thing and my stubborn ass wouldn't mind that." I pat her shoulder and smirked. This made my day. Tami was a great person who held such a great personality so I'm glad to have her as a friend. "Awe I'm so glad about that. I'd be happy to have you as a friend." I replied while She blushed like a cute child.

      We began to do what we always do and that was talk. One thing about us, we can talk for hours and never get bored or tired. We walked around the school and soon made it back to my dorm room. "Look Tami I'd love to continue this conversation but I gotta get in here." I was laughing at the jokes she was telling while pulling out my key.

            "You good ma, I'll text you when I make it back to mine." She rubbed my back then walked away as I walked into the room to see Tish getting ready. She had on black cargo pants with her shades, a white tee that fit her perfectly and white air forces. A gold chain sat on her neck as I couldn't help but stare. Fuck, she's hot without trying.

    "Hi asshole, you look good." I placed my book bag down while she smiled looking at me.

        Trying to contain myself from tearing her apart was absolutely hard and almost impossible when I noticed she had her golds in. "Hella good." My voice was almost inaudible. Her sweet cocoa scent filled the room and that told me exactly where she was going. Somewhere , she would deliver a poem to the ears that listened. "You need to start getting ready mama, you're coming with me. Plus there's some people I want you to meet." I yes'd loudly and obeyed by putting on some clothes.


             Like a puppy, I followed Tish into a place called The Garden and the name represented the inside very well. Flowers and plants of different kinds were everywhere you looked as people sat in open booths and tables while some were up dancing. It was so damn beautiful to look at. Tish guided us to a table in the front and sat us down.

       "You got something in your hair my love." She sat next to me in the booth as her hand came hair to pull whatever it was that needed to be out of my hair. My eyes met hers and her eye contact was so intense. Every part of me wanted to pull her in but sadly I had to remember we were in public. Her hand was placed on my cheek as I bit my bottom lip shaking my head. "So fucking beautiful and it's all for me. She's all for me." She looked down at my lap as Her voice was soft but so smoky. It made chills hit my spine and she smirked at her affect on me.

       She pulled in slowly until a voice interrupted us. "Ahh there's my homie!" The girl said as Tish gasped. "Oh my gosh , Dominique!" Tish got up from the booth and dapped her up .Dominique was absolutely stunning. She had these long box braids and light skin that glowed brightly. She wore an oversized graphic tshirt and dad jeans with these hoops. Looking over at me a smile danced on her lips as her eyes went back to tish. "Blair this is Dom, Dom this is Blair." I smiled at Dom then shook her hand. 

Cliché. (𝓛𝓮𝓽𝓲𝓽𝓲𝓪 𝓦𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽.)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant