Chapter 1 birth of a god

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I rewrote bits and pieces of this this chapter to make it sound more cohesive, and make the sentences flow  better, and to and some more character in there words. So sorry for the inconvenience. :(

Chapter 1 The birth of a god

/Godseekers pov:

   We finally found our god. We finally did it the quietness that filled our minds was gone we were finally free from that pain do to the divine will of our new god. We....wait......she...I. I was alone her mind. I was now separate from the unity of my people. But it didn't feel as lonely as I remembered it to be. Maybe because me and my people joined minds so long ago I forgot how it felt to be a single person with one mind. Or maybe it wasn't that long ago. I didn't know I couldn't remember. But I knew for certain that I was blessed by the God of Gods them self to be pulled into their warm divine embrace of joining them in the void, and helping free them to into the world of hollow nest. To spread the divine self. Maybe that is the reason why I was separated from my peoples mind. But before I could continue my thoughts, I realized I began to feel my eyes open and I realized I could barely see the junk pit. it was very blurry like if I was crying and tears were pouring out of my eyes. But I soon realized there were tears coming out of my eyes. But theses were not normal tears, they were thicker and were to dark. I was hit with a realization of what this was, it was void was beginning to pour out of my eyes.

Before I could even react to the situation I was in I felt a jab of excruciating pain thought my whole body. As I began to try to scream but I couldn't scream. I began to feel the void fill my lungs then slowly my throat.

   I couldn't breathe.

The pain wasn't stopping either but it was getting worse and worse by the second. I began feel my body being to convulse painfully I began to feel my bones and tendons rip and snap as the convulsing continued to get worse, and it wasn't slowing down any time soon. It kept getting worse and worse. I now begin to feel my body beginning to dissolve like my body was now eating itself alive as it was consumed by the void.

Was this a punishment by my god was this the punishment for treating them like nothing but a worthless cretin. Why was this happening to me WHY WAS THIS HAP———

But I couldn't finish my thought because I was then hit by a new pain, a indescribable amount of pain. It hit me like a wave of rushing water. I wished that I could just die but I didn't. The pain didn't stop oh the pain...the pain kept growing and swelling and it wouldn't stop, all I could do is lay there and except my fate because I couldn't do anything else, not even scream. But then I heard something, an ear piercing sound................a roar.

/Shade lords (the character you played as) pov:

I felt cold, and there was body aching horribly as well. I didn't remember why there body felt this way, but I could remember something, and that was that I was just in god home in the middle of fighting the Radiance. But I don't think I am in god home any more. So they tried to get up to see what was going, and to see were I am, even though my body protested it.

Slowly the world came into view I realized that it seemed that I assumed right of thinking that I wasn't that in god home anymore. I was in the junk pit But it looked oddly different, everything looked smaller, and darker, and I think it was due to some black liquid that was everywhere. This black liquid looked almost alive as it looked like it was trying to latch on to anything it could reach.

I thought it looked eerily similar to the void in the Abyss. This must have been there head playing tricks on them it had to be so. So I moved my arms to my eyes to rub my eyes to try to wake myself up. Then I saw my arms they looked completely different, they were long very long and thin, and my hands they were long and sharp, very sharp, sharp as nails.

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