Chp.10 Carver's Prison Pt.1

Start from the beginning

Troy takes Carlos and the rest as Tavia takes Clementine with her. She walks her in the building and takes her with Bonnie...

Tavia: Inside, Bonnie's waiting.

Clem goes inside the room and sees Bonnie sitting down to a table...

Bonnie: Great, I guess you're starting the day with me then, have a seat.

Clem walks up and says down with her as Bonnie shows her how to load up magazines...

Bonnie: ...I suppose I owe you an apology. I wasn't truthful when I came across with you guys back at the lodge. I was showing kindness I never would've expected from a group of strangers. folks are dead...but I can't help to feel to be blamed. The plan was no one to get hurt, but I guess it didn't turn out how I I wanted to be.

Clementine: Carvers the one who pulled the trigger, he's the one to be blamed.

Bonnie: Yeah but...I surely didn't help matters. I though if I found everyone, I could've control it well, keep everyone safe, but that ain't how I went, I apologize, it don't account much, but it's all I can was your first night at the yard? I know it wasn't comfortable, but safe.

Clementine: ...I was hungry.

Bonnie: You haven't ate? But Bill said her feed y'all last night.

Clementine: I haven't eaten since yesterday.

Bonnie: I-I'm so sorry....but, I was supposed to go, with Luke and them..

Clementine: But you attacked them instead?

Bonnie; Hey I didn't attack anyone, Bill did all that,  I didn't want...I wasn't expecting all that to happen, I just wanted everyone safe.

Clementine: ..Carver is dangerous, nobody is actually safe around him.

Bonnie: You're safe if you stay on his good side.

Clementine: If only I knew where it is.

Bonnie: Look I'm not defending what he did, that was....I'm alive because of him.

Clementine: He killed Walter and Alvin!

Bonnie: Only to protect his own people, Kenny would've killed us all!

Clementine: But he didn't.

Bonnie: ...I-I know, but Bill overreacted, he was in a heat of the moment, and he know, I expected that boy with you back at the lodge.

Clementine: (YN).

Bonnie: ...Is he okay? Where is he??

Clementine: He's with Luke, out there.

Bonnie: Oh gosh, I..I hope he and Luke are alright.

Clementine: I hope so too.

Bonnie: ...You know, if he was here too with ya, he would understand how things run here as well..right?

Clementine: ...Trust me, he won't be that easy to understand.

Bonnie: ...Is that so??

Clementine: Yea.

Bonnie: So, is he your brother?

Clementine: ..My best friend, he's stood by my side, protecting me, and keeping me safe since all of this started.

Bonnie: ..Sounds like you got yourself a great friend then.

Clementine: Yeah, I'm glad.

Suddenly, Bonnie gets a call from Tavia on the radio...

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