Chapter 24: In These Past Years

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Time: May 23rd, X820, ~9am

Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Objective: They're calling out to you

Master Laxus's eyes watered as he stared at the transcript. He shifted in place to avoid revealing the vicious shaking in his body. His twisted stomach threatened to regurgitate its acid. His teeth clenched down against a dry mouth.

He took a deep breath and looked up. The entire Fairy Tail guild was before him. Hundreds of anxious, paranoid, and sorrowful eyes stared at him.

The master cleared his throat into the floating microphone.

"Attention, Fairy Tail. There is an important announcement regarding the disappearance of fellow Fairy Tail members Blake Hebio, Igneel Dragneel, and Guthrie Conbolt. They were fifteen, nine, and just over eight, respectively when they disappeared on October 7th, X810. For nine and a half years we have had no successful leads on any of them despite our best efforts. Now, just when we had started to lose hope and energy, someone has decided to come forward with more information."

Laxus put down the paper and scanned the audience.

"Everyone, Vee is a new recruit and from my understanding she has suffered tremendously prior to coming here, so please be patient, kind, and understanding as she speaks. Vee?"

He looked to the first floor. Vee stood at the bottom of the stairs. Her hair was dry and wavy yet well kept. Her shawl and dress had been ironed and smoothed. She clutched several pieces of paper in her sweaty, trembling hands. Both bare, scarred feet shifted in place.

On either side of her, Addy and Lexi stood with their hands on her shoulders.

"Do you want us to go up with you?" the latter whispered.

Vee shook her head.

"I'll b-be fine," she mumbled back.

After a huge deep breath, she put one foot on the stairs. The sound of bare feet on wood echoed in the hall. As she climbed higher, her twig-like legs threatened to snap.

Near the top, she tripped over a step.

Right before she fell, Addy caught her arm and stabilized her.

She looked up at him and smiled.

"Thank you," she squeaked.

He nodded and helped her the rest of the way.

As soon as she was on the second level, he returned to Lexi's side.

Vee carefully walked until she took Master Laxus' place.

The mic floated down to her level.

"H-hey everyone. I-I would like to s-start by re-introducing myself. M-my name is actually...V-Varsha. Varsha Diluvium. A-a-a-and in case you...In case you d-didn't know...I'm a Flood Mage...And I'm twenty-four years old. I turn twenty-five sometime in September."

A few whispers went around the hall. They were immediately silenced by others.

"Umm, so...about Blake, Igneel, and Guthrie...I...I know all three of them. Th-they're all alive, for sure...but...I wouldn't say they're well."

She took a deep breath and looked to the Dreyar Twins. They nodded in unison.

Varsha looked back to the guild.

"On October 7th, X810, those three went missing. For those who suspected they were dead, I am here to confirm they were not killed, but kidnapped. I-I'm sorry I wasn't there the night it, uh, happened. But, I was also kidnapped when...when I was f-fifteen. By a very very powerful wizard named...Ozzy. O-Ozzy..." Varsha's body shuddered, "Is a horrifying person to meet. She's...tortured all s-six of us indirectly and d-directly. I say six b-because there were two other people. Corentine 'Tina' Tempesto a-and Chryssie Sepal. Tina is a Wind Mage, but she's also extremely powerful in other types of Magic. Chryssie is a Plant Mage. Igneel does not have Fire Dragon Slayer Magic, but r-rather Fire Molding...Magic. And Guthrie uses uh, um, W-Wind Molding Magic..."

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