Chapter 4: Once in a Blue Moon

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Calypso immediately darted into her room.

"Eli, get dressed," she ordered as she shut the door.

Eli shrugged but jogged into his sleeping space.

"What's going on?" Reiki called after him.

"No idea. She probably noticed something suspicious. That happens. Remember her senses are heightened during the night," he answered casually.

The scarlet teenager flopped onto the loveseat. He yawned, stretched, and checked his lacrima phone.

'Exactly 5:00am. Wonderful.'

A minute later the Twins reconvened at the couch.

"What did you sense?" Reiki asked her.

"I'll tell you on the way," she answered coldly. .

The Twins put on their shoes and all three headed outside. Suddenly, Cal began to use Moon Shadow and darted off. Eli and Reiki followed closely behind with Sun Rays and Meteor, respectively.

'Where are we going?' Reiki asked telepathically.

'No clue. But I trust her judgment,' Eli stated.

'There's a large valley about ten miles from Sabertooth. I picked up a suspicious scent of Magic,' Calypso replied.

After a few minutes, she darted to the ground and stood at the top of the hill.

Eli and Reiki appeared not far behind her.

A full, blue moon illuminated the entire valley and the subsequent hills.

At the bottom of the valley there appeared to be a carriage that was rattling along. Except it wasn't being pulled by any animals.

"Aha. So somebody has enough money to afford a lacrima carriage. Those typically have a minimal cost of 10,000,000 jewels for rent," Calypso noted aloud.

A wind blew through, rustling their hair and clothes.

"Wait here you two," she ordered.

In a flash of black light, she dashed off.

"What do you mean wait here?!" Reiki cried.

He stepped forward, but Eli put an arm in front of him.

"Hold off, Mr. Grumpy. She knows what she's doing," he said.

Eli calmly strutted to the edge of the hill.

Reiki stomped after him.

"What's with the nicknames all of a sudden?" scarlet snarled.

Blondie shrugged his shoulders and put his hands on his hips.

"Nashi and Cris do it all the time. And it's a nice break from calling you Fernandes. Geez, that's a mouthful," he said.

"Now listen here! Eleodoro Eucliffe isn't exactly any better! And you should hear my dad's name! Plus, you don't have to call me by my last name!" Reiki snarled.

Steam puffed out of his head.

"Well, calling you Reiki doesn't give off a serious vibe," Eli said casually, "But calm down, 'cause you're about to witness a rare event," he added.

"And what's that, Sun Dude?" Reiki questioned.

Eli sighed.

"Calling me by Nashi's nickname instead of coming up with your own. I thought you were supposed to be a genius. Anyways, just watch," he remarked, nodding towards the carriage.

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