Chapter 14: Wake Up

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Time: April 30th, X820, sunrise

Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Objective: Wake up

The morning sun poked its rays through the curtain. It slowly reached across the long, wooden floor between a set of beds. Not far from a door, the rays stopped and expanded outward. Each of the five beds on either side were carefully illuminated starting at the feet. Nine of the ten beds were flat with their curtains pulled back. The tenth one, closest to the window, had the curtain pulled forward with a body under the covers.

As the sun grew brighter, the figure stirred.

The covers were slowly pulled back to reveal a young woman with pale skin and cornflower blue hair.

She yawned before opening her gray-blue eyes to the ceiling.


Pad pad pad pad

The girl jolted upright and held the linen to her chin.

Her knuckles turned as white as the sheets.

A middle aged woman with blue hair, brown eyes, and a medium sized bust wearing a green tank top dress came around the curtain.

"Oh good! You're awake! It's been a few days!" she exclaimed.

The guest made no move.

"Relax! My name is Wendy, and I'm the primary healer for this guild."

Slowly the girl slid her hands to her lap. The sheets fell, revealing a white gown. She looked down and furrowed her brows.

"Addy found you in the streets after a powerful flood. He said that he tried to approach you to tell you that everything was okay, but you passed out. He brought you here so that I could examine you. It looks like you were starving and dehydrated. Don't worry! You'll be able to stand by the end of the day!" Wendy stated.

The girl continued to examine her outfit. She furrowed her brows and looked up at Wendy.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" the Sky Dragon Slayer exclaimed.

She bent down and brought up a basket. Wendy pulled out a bundle and held them out.

"Here are your clothes!"

The guest barely nodded and carefully took the bundle.

Her eyes widened as she caressed the warm yet silky cloth.

She looked up at Wendy.

"Oh, they were filthy and ragged so I exchanged them for a comfy nightgown, which you can keep. Lucy did a nice job of fixing the original clothes. She's one of the strongest mages here and an excellent leader. If you see a tired blond woman with ten golden keys, that's her!"

The younger woman nodded.

Wendy turned around and walked away.

"I'm going to tell Addy and Lexi that you're awake. In the meantime, you can get dressed," she called.

The girl nodded a little. She swung her legs out from under the covers and stared at her small feet. A painting of scars revealed themselves.

She hesitantly placed them on the wooden floor. The girl picked up the bigger bundle and let it unravel into a short-sleeved, gray-blue dress. Her jaw dropped as she caressed the seamless sewing.

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