Chapter 16: Haunted Thoughts

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Time: May 5th, X820 ~8:30pm

Location: Fairy Tail

Objective: Stay stable

Reiki's fingers combed his greasy locks.

He rested his shaky hands on his head and exhaled.

The overstretched sleeves of his wrinkled, blue coat sagged around his pale elbows.

On the stove, a giant leg of meat steamed while its oils popped in the pan beneath.

'I hope this is enough for her,' he thought.

He looked towards the counter where a giant bowl of salad sat.

'Will he eat all that?'


Reiki's chest squeezed out every ounce of air.

He squeezed his eyes shut, enhancing the dark bags under his eyes.

'S***. Here we go.'

He turned around and shuffled to the front door.

His hand wavered over the knob.

'Come on, Reiki. You promised Little Rose you would tell them. You promised Nashi and Cris you would explain. Now is not the time to turn back.'

He gripped the brass knob.

'Turn it, Reiki! Now!'

Reiki clenched his jaw and tightened his muscles.

'I said NOW!'

He yanked the door inward to reveal a cold twilight and one person. The salmon-haired young woman had her arms crossed and slits for eyes. Steam half-emitted from her head.

"H-hi...Nashi," he squeaked.

She took a quick whiff of the air.

"I smell grease," she growled.

He scratched his neck.

"Ahh, y-yes! I made dinner!"

"I already ate," Nashi said flatly.

Reiki's body half-sunk.

"Ahh, yes, that makes sense. It is, uh, quite late. F-for dinner. Eheh."

Nashi huffed and stepped forward.

The redhead moved aside as she stormed inside.

He closed the door and watched her flop on his three-seater couch.

Immediately she looked to her right, where the giant table of animals sat.

"They all look healthy," she stated.

Reiki nodded.

"Uhh, if you want, Spikey can sit on your head again."

She shrugged.

"I'm good, thanks."

He sighed and stuffed his hands in his skin-tight pant pockets.

Nashi looked at him and furrowed her brows.

"You don't look good," she stated.

"Eheh, I'm f-fine."

"Liar," she countered.

Silence filled the air.

He swallowed and took a deep breath.

"Okay, so about Needl–" he started

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