Chapter 6: Recollections

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Time: April 26th, X820 ~10am

Location: Lamia Scale, Larry and Mya's apartment

Objective: Recall information

The small notebook hissed as Mya scribbled.

Both teal pigtails flared as steam puffed from her head.

Her face glowed like fresh-hot embers.

As she kicked her knee-length light gray socks against the soft, white couch.

A gleam shone from her dark eyes.

The corners of her mouth were pulled out to her ears in a devilish grin.

"Heeheeheeheeheeheeheehee," she seethed.

"Uhhh, Pink Punching Bag? Is, uhh, your sister okay?" a baritone voice called in the distance.

"Hey Cold Stripper, My name's Larry!! And yes, she's fine! She's in character!"

"I also have a name! It's Cris!"

Mya's head slowly ballooned.

"Your stage name is Cold Stripper."

"What the hell is a stage name, Larry?!"

Sparks started flying off Mya's paper.

"The name an author would bestow upon you if you were the character of a story."

"My stage name would be Cris then!"

Steam whistled from her ears.

"How do you know that?"

"Because I would ask that author to just use my real name!"

Mya's body slowly lifted off the cushion.

"No no no, you can't do that. That'll ruin the act!"

"What act?! We're not part of some show!"

"ENOUGH!" a third voice shouted.

The Ice-Make Mage looked up from her notebook.

A moment later she dropped down. Only a few wisps of smoke hissed from her notepad.

She scanned the room from left to right.

Directly to her left, the couch stretched out to meet a window. The morning light illuminated the light blue walls. Two figures sat there, one with spiky blond hair and one in a dark, hooded cape.

Mya looked across the clear coffee table in front of her at a young man with spiky pink hair slicked to the side. His torso was completely naked, exposing his well built body. His legs were covered with dark blue pants, and bare feet. On his left pectoral sat his bright pink Lamia Scale guild mark.

The young man's reddish-pink eyes stared into another young man's royal blue orbs. The opponent's smooth, navy hair was slightly frazzled. He wore a bright yellow shirt with lime green polka dots over white pants and bare feet.

Her dark eyes darted to the right, where the couch made a 90 degree angle with the table. A young man with scraggly scarlet locks in a blue coat and dark clothing sat with a hand tent over his nose. His bare toes curled against the white carpet. To his left sat a young woman with spiky, salmon hair, a cropped white tank top, dark vest, and cream pants. Her brown sandals remained firmly planted on her feet. Both of her chocolate orbs were glaring at Mya while she crossed her arms over her large bust.

"Whaddaya lookin' at, Ice Shipper?" the spiky-haired woman snarled.

"Nashi, please don't start," the redhead groaned.

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