1- If we wait until we're ready, we'll wait for the rest of our lives

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Hazel Levesque was in Maths class, taking notes on how to solve second degree ecuations, when the bell rang.

She picked up her things and was the last one to leave, as usual. At least, then everyone would be gone already and no one would mess with her.

Still, when she grabbed her apple and leaved the class, the same idiots were there, those whose only purpose in life was making hers more miserable.

"Hey, freak. Where's your emo brother?" One of them asked, blocking her way.

"I already told you, he's in the city"

"And why don't you join him, weirdo?" 

"Because she has no special talent!" A boy laughed, snatching her lunch and leaving.

Hazel sighted before slowly leaving the school building. She had told them a gazillion times that her brother had been accepted in a dance academy. But their family didn't have a lot of money, so they could only sent one of them. Besides, Nico had always been more talented than her anyway.

When she was sure no one was there, she grabbed the stairs handrail and took a deep breath.

"First, second..." She mutered, as she forced her feet to move into the positions.

She had never in her life attended a ballet class, but she had watched her brother do complicaded jumps and turns while on his tiptoes.

"And, fifth. Up!" She struggled to make her feet go on fifth position, and then tried to go on pointe, as his brother called it. But, being on her sneakers made it hard, and she ended up falling down.

There was a reason she was still in the village while he was in the academy.

She sighted and went home, knowing deep down she would never be special.

"Hey, nerd! Your mother is a witch!" A boy screamed while she walked home.

"Just leave me alone" She muttered, but of course they did not listen.

A group of kids from her class dumped a cartload of papers on her, before running away while laughing.

Hazel groaned, exesperated, while she brushed the papers, mostly used napkins and flyers, from her hair and clothes. Until she saw one that caught her attention.

""Olympus ballet academy" It read.

She gasped and kept on reading.

"Auditions open from Friday 16 until Sunday 18, all expenses are paid. Seven places are open, with schoolarships to cover all fees"

She could not believe her eyes. That was Nico's academy! And, if she could manage to win that schoolarship, then she would be able to attend!

"Required equipment: a leotard, tights, a wrap skirt (for girls) or a dance belt (for boys) and ballet shoes. It is also required to know the Orpheus ballet, concretly the part where Orpheus tried to save Eurydice from the underworld"

Hazel was practically jumping in the street. But then she realized that Friday 16 would be in three days' time. She had to be quick.

"Check yourself in OlympusAcademyofDance-Auditions.com to enroll!"

She did not loose a moment, and ran home as fast as her legs would let her, her heart pounding against her chest. She had to make it.

When she arrived, she ran to the laptop and typed the website in. They asked for her name, age, parental consent, ID number and her story. She took a deep breath before typing it in.

"My brother got in, but my family could only afford to send one of us. They sent him because I'm not special but, well, you never know"

When she was about to click the SEND button, she doubted. Maybe it would be a place full of proffesionals and bullies, who would mess with her because she was bad. Why was she even enrolling?

But then she saw the message. "Quick, limited spots!"

She had never in her life clicked a button so quickly. As the screen loaded, she wondered why had she done that.

She knew that, maybe, she wasn't ready. But it was an academy, a place to learn. Also, if she waited until she was ready, she would be waiting her whole life. And the opportunity was then or never.

She swallowed up when a message popped in her screen.

"We are happy to inform you that you've been accepted into the program! Your number is 13, present yourself in the facilities of our academy on Friday at 6pm. Congratulations, and good luck!"

She could not believe what had just happened. She jumped up and down, screaming and laughing. Until she realized she did not have leotards, or a wrap skirt, or ballet shoes. And she needed them before Friday.

But she would not give up. It was her chance, her moment.

She ran back to the village, laughing and spinning, all fears forgotten. She kepton running until she reached the shoe shop.

She paced inside it, staring at the enormous stands full of shoes of all colours and sizes, until she reached the ballet one.

There were black shoes, pink ones, some with a plat tip and others with long ribbons. She guessed she needed normal ones, but she didn't know which ones they were, so she asked the lady behind the counter.

"Excuse me, which ones are the usual ballet shoes?" She asked

"Full soles, you mean?"

"Yes, those. How much is a pair?"

"Those are fifteen, honey"

Hazel winced. She didn't have that much money.

"Will you save one pair for me? I'll come back before Friday, I promise"

The lady smiled

"Sure thing, honey"

So she leaved the shop, wondering how she could make that much in three days. When she passed a café, she decided to ask.

"Excuse me, sir" She asked to the bartender "Do you need another waiter?"

"Aren't you a bit young?" He asked.

"I will work hard, and if I don't you can fire me. I will clean the floors and tables, serve quickly and not once I will complain"

"Fine, princess, if you have it so clear. How about I pay you 2 per hour?"

She smiled. If she worked four hours that day, and four the day after, she would raise enough. And she needed a bus ticket, so that was four hours on Thursday too. And then she would be done.

"I will work four hours a day until Thursday" She stated.

"Ok. When do you start?"

"How does right now sound?" She asked, smiling.

And she couldn't be happier while she cleaned the dirty tables, because she knew that, in three days, she would be in the Olympus dance academy.

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