11. T is for Trauma

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Author note;

In this fanfic- Emperor Belos is a bit more public with what happens to those who cross him. just a fyi



The sun was blaring through the curtains, just begging me to get out of bed. 

Soon after Eda had left my room to run errands in the market, I had taken a nap, the noon's sun sitting in the sky glaring down upon my depressed state. I laid there a little while longer, before groaning and finally rolling out of bed and trudging down to the kitchen.

"Hey [y/n]! You alright?" Luz seemed cheery. 

"Yeah, just want something I can't have."

"And what's that?" 

I paused in my tracks, "uhm, nevermind it's nothing." I dismissed it but I caught on to Luz's furrowed brows and pursed lips. 

"Luz." I warn. 

"Okay! I won't dig." 

I grabbed a random thing to snack on and made a move to the door. 

"I'm going to go wreck havoc, don't miss me too much!"

"You think they'll come back?" I heard King scurry to the door to watch out the window. I didn't hear too much after that because I summoned [p/n] and flew off towards Bonesborough. 

Walking down the market road was busy as ever. 

Demons, witches and other creatures alike were all yelling to obtain a good deal on some random junk.

Everything seemed to just blur together as I zoned out, well you know, until I see the Golden Guard on the ground at what seemed to be Belos's mercy. My eyes narrowed as I see the borderline abuse being treated as public entertainment. 

I could already feel my heart rate sky rocket and my feet were moving forward before I could register I was running. Without too much thought I sent a blast of magic at Belos, making him stumble to the side. I continued to throw random stunning and attacking spells at Belos, focusing on being the offensive, finally reaching Hunter and changing to defence to protect him. 

"You?" The Emperor chuckled, unamused. I could sense he wasn't that surprised of my actions once he saw I was one of the wild witches he had been ordering the arrest for months for.

For an evil bastard, he sure sounded friendly, charming even. It simply made me hate him even more. Hurting people who expressed interest in multiple forms of magic, hurting people I cared about, and acting as though he isn't the bad guy in this scenario. 

"What are you going to do? Die?" Hunter whisper shouted at me as he picked himself up and brushed himself off. I didn't move from my position.

"If i have to," I was terrified but I wasn't going to let other know that. My entire body may be shaking but I will continue to hold my ground. "Everyone dies, might as well make mine count for something." I chuckled, looking over my shoulder to look at him, I couldn't see him behind his golden owl mask but I knew he could see that I was scared. 

I found it funny, the Golden Guard right hand man of Emperor Belos, wore a mask of an owl. That just so happened to be the brand of the Emperors coven's most wanted criminal, Eda the Owl Lady.

I turned back to Emperor Belos as his menacing laugh dropped, and the holes in the stag mask where his eyes would be had a bright blue glow. The mere image sent a shiver up my spine.

"Don't play the hero - this fight is not with you." 

I felt a weird, almost wet sensation, cover my feet and rise up to my ankles. Looking down, I found a goo like substance holding me in place, its green and black colours making me feel nauseous. I push away the feelings of discomfort, trying to not let it get to me. I can't let it get to me.

"Funny, you're hurting people like me just fine." 

I could feel Hunter staring at me, burning holes into my skin like the boiling rain. I continued to stand brave.

"You were more fun when you were children," Belos sighed fondly, "you all worshipped me, then. It was quite endearing."

"I remember you weren't such a colossal prick back then." I ridiculed against clenched teeth, his comment seemed off topic but I guess he was used to everyone following his orders blindly. Obedience was never my forte, especially not to Belos.  

The emperor laughed whole heartedly but their voice was still laced with unsettling immorality, as if possessed by corrupted souls. His hand shifted into the green goo that was at my feet, forming into a sharp axe blade and moved quickly towards my face. I couldn't move, I was frozen, so I closed my eyes bracing for the impact. Instead I felt the blade gently caress my cheek, cautiously I peered through one of my eyes before opening them both fully once more. 

"Now now child, I will let you off with a warning. But next time, you will not stand in my way." Belos disappeared in a cloud of smoke. I looked around, seeing no one had been bothered by the acts that had just played out. I spun to meet Hunters gaze. 

"Are you okay..?" I ask.

"You stood up to Belos. That was foolish of you."

I wish I had some excuse, some clever plan, but it had been instinct. I wish I had some witty comment, but it hurt too much to think. Everything hurt, my heart, my head, my body. I had barely done anything and I was exhausted. 

My breathing felt heavy, my vision in turn had begun to blur and gradually turn black. I felt my bodies gravity completely drop.

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