8. Post events [w/ Hunter]

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"And who might have been that golden adorned dance partner of yours, Hunter?" Emperor Belos asked as I returned to my post by his right side. My uncle hosts at least one party a year to gain interest for the coven and generally always started with the waltz. Having attended many of these types of events, I found myself learning the steps with ease. Belos had allowed me to start joining the first dance a few years back, but as I got older I wouldn't dance as often. 

"Just some witch who caught my interest due to the colour of their attire, sir." I respond with no emotion. I knew they were a wild witch under Eda the Owl Lady's influence and was a danger to society. I had a few prior encounters with them in Bonesborough, mainly chasing them through it. But tonight felt different, both of us were aware we weren't the Golden Guard or a Wild Witch. We were both individuals attending a party. 

"I see..." Belos looked down, from where i was posted I could see his face behind is stag mask, from the side an almost bittersweet smile, reached his features. "Do you like them?"

His question made me freeze, I hadn't thought about it. Being the Golden Guard already severely minimises my social life, but the romantic aspect was non existent. The closest thing i had to a love life was the romance novels I checked out from the library along with the wild magic textbooks I read. 

With [y/n] it was more of a flirtatious rivalry, nothing more. right?

"I- I cannot afford to have any distractions from my missions, emperor Belos." I decide to say. 

"Ah- yes, of course. But that still doesn't answer my question." 

"I'm not sure, sir." I could feel myself start to sweat. I started to miss the security of my owl mask, having my expression be unreadable. However, with this mask I felt on display, vulnerable even. I hated it. 

If Belos knew that I am starting to have feelings for what is considered the enemy, I would be let off with a harsh warning but they... they would be lucky to be thrown in a cell. 

I watch them as they moved off the dance floor and become swarmed by their friends, they seem very flustered at whatever they were all speaking of. I couldn't help but feel as though they were flustered due to our pleasant encounter for once. A small sense of pride swelled within me at the thought that perhaps, they too, were experiencing what can only be described as forbidden feelings. 

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