10. who? hoot?

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I opened the door to the owl house to find Luz ready to run out, they looked desperate in their frantic state. 

"[y/n]! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" She wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug. Something you get used to when your a friend of Luz's, it's a human thing, similar to that of the high-five; which is a weird physical interaction with another as a celebratory act. 

"Where did you go? I woke up and your window was open and you were gone!" I patted Luz's head, comforting her about my disappearance through the night. 

"Sorry, I had issues sleeping so went for a walk and didn't want Hooty waking up the entirety of Bonesborough." I laughed. I was released from her hug and shut the door behind me as we entered the living room- no literally it's a LIVING room, the walls can breath. 

We sat down, me scrolling through penstagram and Luz sprawled across the floor reading ancient looking books and attempting to bribe the echo mouse on information about Phillip Witterbane, apparently he was the first human to explore the Boiling Isles. Something about it didn't sit right with me, but it gave Luz hope and I wasn't going to take it from them.

Our peaceful moment was interrupted with Hooty swinging the door- himself?- open. 

"HOOT HOOT HOOTY HOOT! There was a letter for you [y/n]" Hooty had this cheeky grin that I trusted less than Phillip Witterbane. I watched in horror as Hooty coughed up an envelope. 

"gross." I resisted the urge to gag as I picked up the letter, Luz had stood up and made her way over to me. Luz watched from over my shoulder as i tore open the envelope, seeing a neatly folded hand written note placed carefully inside. I removed the note, unfolding the delicate page.

'Thank you for this morning, it was nice. 
I hope to have a moment like that with you again soon. 

And if we don't, at least I will always have an excuse to go looking for you.

- H'

Luz snatched the note from my grasp with a very audible gasp.

"And WHO may this person be? Hmm?" Now Luz had joined in Hooty's mischievous smirk. I looked away as I remembered Hunter and the cliff, a blush had crept it's way onto my face because my friend had pounced on me begging me to tell her everything. I profusely refused and tried to change the topic. Of course I failed miserably in changing topics because Luz would wave the letter around and talk way to fast for me to understand. 

I needed back up. 

"Willow? Gus?" I called the two of them on the crystal ball, praying they would pick up. Thankfully, they did and I just told them to come over and help me as they confusedly watched Luz freak out waving a piece of paper in the background, her words going faster than I could run.

I paced the living room, attempting to block out Luz and her romance nonsense, at least until Gus and Willow arrived. 


I opened my mouth but was cut short with a knock at the door. 

"Thank titan!" I ran to the door, almost tearing it off its hinges as I opened it. Pulling our other two friends in and practically throwing them onto the couch. 

"Please help me."

"Sure..?" Willow and Gus shared a look before returning their attention to me. 

"Luz will not leave me alone about this-" 

"[Y/N] WENT ON A DATE THIS MORNING WITHOUT ANYONE KNOWING AND THEN GOT A LETTER FROM SAID DATE!" Luz burst out and shoved the parchment into the friends. 

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