(YN): Where is she?!? Where is Clementine!!? And where is Kenny!?? Tell me now!!

Luke: W-Woah Woah (YN)..!!

Bandit: L-Like if I ever tell you-

(YN) started throwing punches at the bandit's face...

(YN): Tell me now!!!

Luke: Easy (YN)!!

Luke rushes over to him and try getting (YN) off from the bandit, he manage to do so...

Luke: Calm down!

(YN): Calm down?! Calm down!?! Luke, Clem is nowhere to be found!! That Carver guy must've taken her!! So as Kenny and the rest! I just...fucking shit!! <Putá madré!!!>

(YN) started pacing around, mumbling and utterly pissed as Luke calms him down...

Luke: Hey relax okay?! We're gonna find them.

(YN): And how!??!

Luke: ...Remember I told you we escaped from his camp? I know where it is.

(YN): ...You better know the way.

Luke: Don't worry, I promise we'll get Clementine back, and so as Kenny and our friends.

(YN): ...

Luke notices the bandit was knocked out cold by (YN)...

Luke: Welp, guess he ain't waking in a while, Jesus kid, you would've almost killed him.

(YN): And? Fucker deserved it either, he works with Carver! And that guy took Clementine!!

Luke: ...You really care for Clementine, don't you.

(YN): ...She means everything to me, she's my best friend, and I'll do anything to keep her safe within my hands even risk my life for her if she gets out in danger.

Luke: I feel you, but..you know someday she will take care of herself too, you know?

(YN): ..I know, but still.

Luke: I hear ya.

(YN) then spots Alvin....

(YN): Aw man... Poor Rebecca.

Luke: I don't know how she's feeling right about now.

(YN): ...We have to go now!

Luke: Yea, no time to waste. Let's go.

With that said, Luke and (YN) exited the building and to March their way over to Carver's camp, (YN) began to worry about Kenny and his friends, and Clementine especially as he looks up at the sky and thinks of her...

(YN): Hang on Clem, I'm coming for you.

Later on that day Somewhere in the woods, it was now night again, we see a storage truck driving, inside the truck back, we see Clem, Kenny, and the whole group tied up, Rebecca still feels sorrow for the lost of her husband, and blames Carver for it too of course...Kenny looks around inside...

Kenny: Alright we gotta do something. Does anyone got anything sharp? Anything? We need to get these bindings off. Clem, try to find anything around here to get these off, anything sharp to cut these.

Clementine: O-Okay, I'll see if I can find something.

Kenny: Okay, good. We have to do something!

Carlos: Settle down Kenny, they took everything from us, we have to keep a level head.

S2 Clementine x Male Reader (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now