♡ The Day After ♡

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Summary: The Grim Reaper and the embodiment of Fear wake up in the same hotel room and try to piece together what happened the night before.

A/N: Hey guys, if you don't follow me you probably didn't see my announcement, but I'll be posting Fluffuary chapters at different times now. I've been struggling with a bunch of stuff in my personal life and can't continue to post these at chapters at 12 AM anymore, so now I'll be posting them randomly on their assigned days. Sorry if this ruined someone's daily routine or something lol.

Day #19: First Sight

Milo opened their eyes and immediately was met with a blinding light and a terrible hangover. After adjusting to the morning sun, the reaper was able to see they were in their hotel room, which was better than being found in a random motel like the last time they partied.

Oh right, the party. Milo was partying last night with Damien and Polly, they went to this new club that opened up in hell, and, considering Milo couldn't remember a thing, they had a few too many drinks.

Finally turning around in their bed, there was a random figure sleeping next to them and they impulsively jumped at the new presence. Having impulsive hookups was basically a weekly routine for Milo at this point, but this boy was different from most people they found in their bed after clubbing.

His complexion was almost a void-like black, wearing a light yellow sweater as if trying to create as much contrast as possible. The monster also appeared to have no face whatsoever, which kinda creeped Milo out at first.

They didn't necessarily know what to do, considering the boy next to them was still asleep, but regardless their head was killing them. They would risk waking up this boy for some aspirin or even a cup of water, so Milo got out of bed and grabbed their completely full water bottle from the fridge.

Looking around the hotel room, there were no clothes thrown randomly around, leading Milo to believe the mystery man and them never ended up hooking up last night. Maybe the alcohol got to them a little too quickly, considering Milo didn't attempt to sober up, or maybe the plan was to never have sex.

Milo heard some rustling coming from the bed and looked over to see the black figure toss and turn before opening his eyes, pure white coming from the sockets. The boy looked around the room for a minute before noticing the grim reaper, jumping when he did.

"Morning, would you like aspirin or scrambled eggs?" Milo jokes while pouring some water into a glass for the boy, who reluctantly took it.

"Umm, no offense, but I can't remember anything that happened last night..." He explains in a mumble, still trying to wake up. Milo laughed before downing their water and responding, "Neither do I, darling. Care to figure out this enigma together?"

Oz couldn't help but laugh at the charismatic monster accompanying him; but was hit with a sudden and terrifying realization.

"Wait, do you know if we... you know..." "Had sex?" Milo interrupts and Oz lets out a shameful nod, not being able to control the blush that roamed across his face. The blush was a light gray, very noticeable on his pitch-black skin; Milo couldn't help but admire the sight.

"I don't believe we did, considering we're both still clothed," Milo says nonchalantly as they notice something on Oz's neck, a hickey to be exact. They stared at it for a minute before Oz looked down subconsciously to see what they were staring at.

"Oh... that wasn't there last night." The fearling says with a hint of a laugh near the end, which Milo found absolutely adorable.

That's when Milo heard their phone go off, receiving several text messages from Polly and Damien asking where the hell they ran off to and asking if they were with a random boy, which Milo assumed to be the monster in their room.

However, their Instagram was the real clue to solving this mystery. They opened the app and immediately got hit with picture after picture of last night and what happened.

"Oh my..." Milo says while scrolling through picture after picture of them and Oz downing shots, making out, flirting, and hanging out together. All of these images were public too, which made things ten times more complicated than they had to be.

"What? What did you find?" Oz asks, walking over to where Milo was standing in the room and looking over at their phone screen. He saw every picture of the two together, and he sat there in silence.

Oz didn't go out to party much, this was his first time, and he was only out because the color crew fought tooth and nail to get him through the door. He never has done anything like this sober, never mind drunk. He noticed the follower count on Milo's profile and immediately started panicking.

"Wait... so you're telling me millions of people have seen my first clubbing experience, that's so embarrassing noooo..." Oz whines while rolling down on the wall next to Milo, who raises their eyebrow in disbelief.

"You're telling me you've never gone out clubbing before, and your first time you woke up in a stranger's hotel room?" Milo asked with a laugh, genuinely surprised by the events.

"I suppose I'm a party animal when I get drunk or something-" "Never say 'party animal' unironically ever again." Milo interrupts while sliding to sit down with Oz and the boy couldn't help but laugh uncontrollably.

During his laughing fit, that's when Oz started to notice more things about the grim reaper next to him. Their eyes changed colors frequently, right now they were this beautiful amber color that Oz easily got lost in. They wore a t-shirt that was slightly exposing their chest, which showed off their ribcage and glowing heart. They were honestly breathtaking.

"Wait," Oz says, finally stopping his laughing fit with a realization. "Will all of those people think we're dating?"

The question lingered in the air, creating a heavy, invisible pressure in the room that couldn't be lifted. Oz felt suffocated and tried to find an escape, only to get trapped again, he was quick to take back his question before the reaper responded.

"I mean, they probably assume you're my boyfriend or something, but I can clarify you were a random hook-up. It's not unbelievable considering my reputation." They joke, already drafting up the post to their fans before Oz stopped them in their tracks with a simple question.

"What if you don't clarify that?"

The pressure in the room returned and the two made eye contact with each other. Oz didn't even know why he said that, he just met the reaper in front of him, and yet he was basically throwing himself into a relationship.

A blush spread across both of their faces before Milo broke eye contact and looked away, staring at the dirty hotel tile. They have had many hookups before, but none of them gave the reaper this feeling in their heart. Maybe it was because they never actually hooked up, or maybe because the boy was like no other monster Milo dated, but the reaper wasn't opposed to the idea.

"What's your name?" Milo asks after a minute of silence and Oz lets out a sigh of semi-relief.

"M-my name is Oz." He says, wanting to kick himself for the stutter, which made Milo let out a small laugh.

"Nice to meet you Oz, I'm Milo Belladonna."

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