♡ Flying Sparks ♡

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Summary: It's the first night of Camp Spooky and everyone is getting to know each other at the campfire.

A/N: This one-shot officially marks Fluffuary having more content than my entire book before this... keep in mind we're only on day 11...

Day #11: Fireplace (Camp Fire)

Oz wasn't young, but very much afraid. He found himself in Camp Spooky, a five-week-long summer camp in the middle of the forest consisting of the most destructive monsters he knew. Surely nothing could go wrong with that combo, surely...

However, as much as Oz complained, he was stuck here so might as well try and survive. His original game plan was to cling to the color crew for dear life, however, that was impossible at the campfire.

The logs used as seats could fit three monsters at most and Oz would rather his friends have fun than him steal a spot and not talk the entire time. So that left him alone, trying to find a place to sit while not looking too much like a loser. He nearly sat alone, but a certain reaper noticed his predicament and called him over to their log with Calculester.

"Hey darling," The reaper started and Oz sat down next to them. "I see you were about to sit by yourself and I will not allow that to happen in my presence."

Oz curled his eyebrows at what the reaper next to him said, trying to wrap his head around the exact context of what they were talking about.

"Yeah, I'm sorry?" Oz says out of pressure, feeling as though he needed to talk soon or else this interaction would get awkward.

"You should be," The enby forces out with a laugh. "Your self-pity would've totally ruined the mood."

Oz couldn't tell if the monster next to him was joking or not, but he wasn't going to take his seat for granted, so he just laughed with the reaper.

"Alright, I'm Milo Belladonna," The reaper states while holding out their hand for Oz to take, which he did almost immediately. "And over to the other side of me, we have our local wiz kid Calculester Hewlett-Packard."

That caused Oz to look over to the other side of Milo, noticing the living computer next to them holding bags of marshmallows and graham crackers. Oz gave the device a shy wave and Calculester gladly returned it.

"And who would you be?" Milo asks, tilting their head slightly while asking the question and Oz immediately responds out of panic.

"Oh-h, I'm Oz." The fearling speaks up and Milo lifts an eyebrow at his response.

"Just Oz?" They asked and Oz felt as though there were needles piercing his back, causing shivers to run up to his teeth.

"Yup... just Oz." The reaper stared at him for a minute with yellow eyes before accepting his answer and turning over to Calculester and grabbing a bag of marshmallows.

"Well Oz," Milo started. " and I have decided to formulate the most likable picture of a s'more for my Insta-followers, you wanna help out?"

Oz nodded his head, glad that Milo was allowing him to participate in whatever activity they had planned despite the shaky(?) introduction. That led to Calculester showing the proper statistic for the perfect roasted marshmallows, which the other two promptly ignored because it was too complicated of a formula.

So they just winged it, which led to one of Oz's marshmallows setting on fire, which he blew out. Milo laughed at him for the mistake and tried to throw away the boy's marshmallow, but Oz noticed something. He easily pulled off the burning cover of the marshmallow and started roasting it again, causing a beautiful brown coat of the treat.

That was the perfect formula for the look of a marshmallow, now the three had to work on the chocolate and graham crackers. Milo almost immediately found the best location to place the chocolate so it'll melt over the marshmallow perfectly. Then Calculester had the great idea of crushing some gram crackers and scattering the crumbs onto the marshmallow.

The perfect s'more was done, now the three had to find the best place to take the picture of it. This led the group on a wild goose chase trying to find the perfect place for the picture. They tried fields, trees, paths, etc; but nothing felt right at the end of the day. So they returned to the campfire defeated with the perfect s'more in hand.

The energy of the group was down and Oz couldn't help but feel upset, staring at the s'more in his hands with the most defeated look in his eyes. When Milo caught a glimpse of Oz's hilarious expression, they almost immediately took a picture without his knowledge, later showing it to him.

The group decided it was the perfect image and posted it to Milo's Instagram, and it went viral, of course. The reaper ended up thanking the group at the end of the night and everyone went their separate ways.

Oz headed back to the color crew, and they all teased him with the way he was looking at Milo or the fact that he literally ran off with the two monsters. Oz brushed off their remarks, clearly thinking nothing of it.

However, the teasing didn't stop him from going onto Milo's Instagram and staring at the picture again at midnight, far after it was taken. Maybe he'll enjoy his time at camp after all.

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