♡ Clutter Clumps ♡

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Summary: Milo and Oz are both really tidy monsters. However, between photoshoots, parties, and life in general; neither of them realized how bad the state of their apartment was until they had a moment to breathe.

A/N: Do you guys ever get super nostalgic for something that no longer exists... yeah me neither....

Day #15: Domestic Chores

    Saying that Oz and Milo were busy would be an understatement. Milo had three red carpet events in one month, Oz had to deal with several city scares, and both of them had to live their normal lives outside of that. To put it simply, they were barely spending time in their apartment and with each other.

Finally, after about two weeks, the two had a day completely to themselves without anything else planned. Oz wasn't going to be forced into a suit and Milo wasn't going to email their management team. It was their day, and they were going to choose what they wanted to do with it. Maybe they could watch a new show, bake some simple recipes, or maybe even go out to eat. However, when the two woke up, they realized the state of their apartment.

There were clothing bags and tags scattered around everywhere accompanied by fast food containers and dust. The apartment looked horrible and the two honestly didn't know how it got that way, considering they were both relatively clean monsters.

Oz was the first to wake up, however he refused to move in the slightest out of fear of waking up his partner, who was cuddled into his chest. So, while waiting for Milo to wake up, Oz finally got a look around his surroundings for the first time in a good while.

The bedroom wasn't as bad as the rest of the house, but Oz still felt disgusted by his surroundings. So, he made a promise to himself that he would tidy up the apartment that day. If he felt awful in the room, he couldn't imagine how Milo would feel, considering they were way more particular about cleaning.

Eventually, after about half an hour or so, the reaper started stirring in their sleep and Oz couldn't help but smile when he saw their eyes open. The bright magenta in their eyes gave a stark contrast to the rest of their black and white face; the fearling couldn't help but marvel at his partner.

As much as Milo wanted to stay laying in bed forever with their boyfriend, they knew they had to get up eventually. So, after a quick yawn, they sat up and stretched out a bit.

"Oh Jesus Christ," Milo mutters while rubbing one of their eyes, looking around the unkept room; Oz could only nod in agreement.

"Yeah, I just noticed how bad it got this morning..." Oz states, his mind trailing off halfway through his sentence.

Neither of them were that functional in the mornings, so they usually just mumbled their way through till they woke up. Oz was the first to get out of bed, grabbing some coffee for himself and Milo. That gave him the opportunity to see the apartment in its entirety, which wasn't much better than his bedroom.

Once he got their coffees, one mug filled with extra sweetener for Milo, he headed back to the bedroom to find his partner now scrolling through their phone. Oz handed them their coffee while they scrolled through some random posts on Instagram, which they both watched mindlessly.

After the coffee mugs were empty, the two finally got up and headed into their kitchen to confront the mess. Milo let out a small gasp after seeing their main area, feeling almost light-headed when confronted with their cluttered apartment.

"I swear it wasn't this bad last night," Milo states while fighting with the garbage on the ground.
"Yeah, I didn't think so either," Oz says with a sigh, walking over to their kitchen to grab some trash bags and cleaning supplies.

They started with picking up and throwing away the big things such as dry cleaning covers, fast food bags, and a rare bottle of wine. Slowly the ground started looking less cluttered and after an hour or two, the ground was completely cleared and ready to vacuum.

While Milo grabbed the vacuum, Oz got started in the kitchen. The counters were cluttered with random nick-nacks from the past weeks and there were a few dishes in the sink as well. It was a pretty quick clean, so Oz headed over to the bedroom and started to gather the clothes he found on the ground.

After fighting their washer to fit all the clothes he picked up, he made their bed, cleared off their nightstands, and organized his side of the closet a bit. One thing Oz learned while living with Milo is to never mess with their clothes, no matter the circumstance. Speaking of the reaper, Milo started vacuuming the bedroom while Oz was working on the closet.

After a quick vacuum, the bedroom was done and all that was left were minor things such as dusting, wiping down counters, folding clothes, etc.

"You know," Milo says after dusting the top of their tv. "We should set up some kind of system so this will never happen again."

"Agreed," Oz mutters out while aggressively scrubbing a stain off their counter. Milo turned towards the boy and couldn't help but laugh at his efforts.

"Chill out, you might drill through our counter if you're not careful." The reaper jokes while walking over to Oz, who got arguably more frustrated with the small stain. Milo rolled their eyes before snatching the rag away from Oz and spreading some new spray onto it before rubbing the stain; which disappeared within seconds.

"Well, that's just unfair." Oz huffs out before taking his rag back and returning to the counters. Milo smirked before leaning over the counter and kissing Oz's cheek before muttering, "All's fair in love and war, Darling."

The fearling let a small blush crawl across his face while he continued to clean, and eventually after the teasing, Milo helped their boyfriend out in the kitchen. After a few hours, their apartment was spotless, and the two could finally relax on their day off.

Instead of watching a new show or maybe even baking new recipes, Milo and Oz set up a cleaning plan for the future, to prevent days like this again. After that though, they finally got the free time they desperately deserved.

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